Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1
- (A)
- abbreviations for products
- Acquire Device Update Record Items
- acronyms
- Active Directory computer information, manually assigning JP1/Software Distribution system configuration information
- Add Item dialog box
- Add Selection Items dialog box
- agent
- AIT file
- AIT File page
- Alert History page
- alert information
- checking
- outputting to alert information file
- outputting to Event Viewer
- reporting to JP1/IM
- alert information file
- outputting alert information to
- alert report
- alerts
- issuing, overview of
- reported, checking list of
- reporting methods for
- reporting, based on
- All Job Details
- All Jobs
- all lower clients
- Anti-Virus page
- adding anti-virus software
- browsing anti-virus software
- application gateway method
- archive
- asset information
- Asset Information Manager menu
- Asset Information Manager Subset
- basic operating procedure
- login
- logout
- operating
- search procedure
- window components, use of
- Assign Inventory window
- assigned items, setting
- At time-out, the end status is assumed to be
- Attributes tab
- Attributes tab
- audit log
- authentication server
- authentication status of update programs
- changing
- managing
- automatic maintenance policy file
- (B)
- Background installation mode
- backup collection status list, outputting
- backup files
- commands for
- deleting
- for operation monitoring result
- Backup function
- Batch delete packages on relay system
- Batch Setting for Installation Conditions dialog box
- business filter
- buttons hidden by default, displaying
- (C)
- cabinet
- Cabinet for saving package
- Cabinet ID
- Cabinet name
- cabinets
- checking
- creating
- deleting
- managing
- renaming
- central manager
- change history
- Change Transmission Route dialog box
- Characters That Can Be Entered dialog box
- client
- before using
- canceling registration of
- checking hardware status of
- checking software information of
- checking system information of
- collecting files from
- displaying processing in progress dialog box
- making non-resident
- menu
- monitoring
- notes on registering, into ID group
- registering, into ID group
- registering, into ID group when not connected to relay managing ID
- regular reporting from
- setting up, remotely
- settings necessary for use of
- shutting down
- starting
- starting
- undoing reservation of registration cancellation from ID group
- undoing reservation of registration into ID group
- using
- client control facility
- Client Control page
- Client Manager
- code
- adding
- adding status
- adding types
- changing display value of
- changing status
- changing types
- meaning depending on its specification range
- code IDs depending on their specification range
- code information
- deleting
- that cannot be added or deleted
- Collect File page, settings on
- collected file
- Collection function
- collection script
- creating
- creating
- Communication page
- Compress package data option
- Condition Settings dialog box
- Connection Destination Server page
- controller
- conventions
- abbreviations for products
- acronyms
- diagrams
- fonts and symbols
- KB, MB, GB, and TB
- version numbers
- count clients
- Count Clients window
- Count Clients wizard
- count conditions
- combined conditions
- notes on setting
- saving in template
- separate conditions
- setting
- Count Result page
- count results
- creating host group from
- displaying as graph
- displaying by specifying conditions
- displaying for group specified by search condition
- CPU clock speed table
- customizing
- distributing
- format of
- Create Icon page
- Create Job dialog box
- customizing
- settings in
- Create system conditions
- CreateIcon function
- CreateProgramGroup function
- CreateShortCut function
- CSV file
- conversion rule for outputting, in Unicode
- entering user inventory information from
- items eligible for output to
- items output to
- outputting information to
- setting output range of
- CSV output utility
- menu
- method of setting output range
- CSV Output Utility dialog box
- Customize Default Settings dialog box
- Customize Job Menu
- changing executable jobs
- changing executable jobs
- renaming job menu
- Customize Job Windows
- adding forms
- changing window for user role
- copying forms
- deleting forms
- renaming forms
- setting buttons to be used
- setting forms
- setting items to be displayed as editable items
- setting items to be displayed as search conditions
- setting items to be displayed in search results
- setting object roles
- Customize Managed Items
- adding managed items
- changing items to be managed
- changing managed items
- changing names for buttons and tabs
- changing view/hide settings for buttons and tabs
- renaming managed items
- (D)
- Database Manager
- Database Manager
- dcmadsync.exe, executing
- dcmamtrc.exe (AMT's remote control)
- Define New Job dialog box
- customizing
- displaying
- Define User Inventory dialog box
- DelBackup function
- Delete Installed Package Information
- Delete Packages from Relay System
- Delete Software Inventory
- deleted software management table
- deleted software management table
- deleting software from
- destination
- displaying detailed information of
- finding by name
- Destination page
- notes on specifying destination
- procedure for adding destination
- procedure for changing route
- Destination window
- printable items in
- Relays Managing ID tab
- Detailed Information Setup dialog box
- Detailed pane
- Detailed Scheduling dialog box
- device change log
- managing
- selecting items to be acquired as
- Device Details dialog box
- Anti-Virus page
- Device page
- Inventory page
- Network page
- Patch page
- Software page
- Update Records page
- device information
- changing
- managing
- Device List, searching
- Device Management
- Batch Update
- Device Change Log
- Device List
- Device Totals
- Unused Device List
- device operation
- setup for suppressing
- device operation log, setup for collecting
- Device page
- changing detailed information about device
- enabling operation management
- viewing detailed information about device
- device status, changing
- device-type Device dialog box
- diagram conventions
- Dial-up page
- dialog box, showing/hiding during processing
- Dim statement
- directory information
- acquiring
- acquiring
- counting hosts by
- directory information acquisition command
- Directory Information window, printable items in
- Directory page
- disk capacity required for storing log at client
- Display processing message option
- Distribution interval
- Distribution Status
- checking installation status
- checking software distribution status
- deleting jobs
- displaying job execution status
- re-executing jobs
- division
- division information
- dminv command
- dmlinst command
- dmpbkdel command
- dmpbklst command
- dmprcvry command
- DmSetStatus function
- dmTRUtil.exe command
- domain
- (E)
- Edit dialog box
- hierarchical user inventory items in
- registry collection items in
- user inventory items in
- Edit Software Operation Monitoring Policy dialog box
- displaying
- setup for collecting device operation log and for suppressing device operation
- editable items
- setting display order of
- setting, to read-only
- view/hide settings for
- Embedded RDB
- End Function statement
- End status is notified by
- ErrorExit statement
- exclusion condition settings
- Register conditions for controller device instance Ids
- Register conditions for device instance IDs
- Exclusion Condition Settings dialog box
- exclusion conditions
- creating CSV file for setting
- notes on setting
- setting
- execution status
- checking, all-lower-clients job
- checking, ID group job
- displaying, for all lower clients
- displaying, for ID group client
- using higher system to check, of ID group job executed at relay system
- Exit statement
- external media
- setup for collecting logs of operations with
- setup for suppressing operations with
- external program
- execution permission
- handling of termination messages
- starting, on UNIX client
- termination report from
- External Program Options dialog box
- External Program page
- (F)
- File properties page
- Filter Software
- Filter Software Inventory dialog box
- Filtering
- firewall
- folders
- creating
- deleting, method of
- deleting, notes on
- managing
- renaming
- font conventions
- form
- setting, for breakdown window displayed from summation results
- setting, for registration or edit window
- setting, for search or summation window
- Function statement
- (G)
- GB, meaning of
- Generation
- Get software monitoring information from the client job, executing at managing server
- Get user inventory information job
- checking execution result
- creating
- executing
- notes on executing
- GetBackupStatus function
- GetErrorStatus function
- GetResourceName function
- GetResourceVersion function
- GetSoftwareName function
- GetStatus function
- glossary
- Goto statement
- Group and User
- adding group
- group information
- changing
- group, specifying
- GUI installation mode
- (H)
- Header and Footer Settings
- held job, executing
- Higher level compression option
- higher system address, file for
- Hitachi program products installation
- Hold or Cancel Software Distribution Job dialog box
- host group
- relationship between job type and destination specification
- host ID
- host on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed
- host search
- host to code page mapping table
- Host-selection window
- Host-selection window
- hosts
- counting, by anti-virus product
- counting, by directory information
- counting, by host type
- counting, by IE patch
- counting, by inventory items
- counting, by registry item
- counting, by software inventory
- counting, by system information items
- counting, by user inventory item
- counting, by virus definition file
- displaying, with Apply View
- finding by date
- searching for specific
- (I)
- Icon group
- ID
- ID group
- ID group
- canceling registration of client from
- displaying execution status for client
- displaying execution status of job
- displaying job execution status of relay system managing
- registering client into
- registering client into
- registering client into, notes on
- registering while connected to relay managing ID
- reserving cancellation of client registration from
- reserving registration of client into
- undoing reservation of client registration cancellation from
- undoing reservation of client registration into
- ID group job
- ID information, revising
- If-Then-Else-End If statement
- individual information
- changing
- viewing
- information needed for setup, extracting
- Install function
- install package job, reducing volume of data in
- Install when system starts
- Install when system stops
- installation
- automatic
- conditions, changing
- declining
- manual
- mode
- restrictions on performing, using non-administrator user permissions
- timing, difference due to polling setting
- using non-Administrator user permissions
- Installation date/time
- installation medium, preparing
- Installation Method page
- installation mode
- installation mode
- installation script
- creating
- creating
- Installation target directory
- installation timing
- installation timing
- installed package, counting by
- Installed Packages tab
- installed software
- changing information about
- changing information about
- changing information about multiple programs in batch mode
- deleting name of
- registering name of
- installed software information
- installed software list
- Installed Software page
- Installed Software window
- InstallShield environment deletion tool
- inventory
- inventory information
- automatic reporting of updated
- collecting
- displaying
- exporting to CSV-formatted file
- managing
- outputting
- printing
- reporting
- reporting at automatic registration of system configuration
- reporting, using Package Setup Manager
- reporting, using Software Distribution - Update User Information dialog box
- viewing
- Inventory Viewer
- Inventory Viewer
- Count pane
- count procedure
- count target, selecting
- menu
- starting
- window, component of
- IP address
- adding
- assigned to devices, releasing
- assigned to devices, releasing
- assigning to devices
- downloading usage condition
- viewing usage condition
- IP group
- adding
- deleting
- IP group information, changing
- IP Group window
- (J)
- jamOperationLogAddUp (adding up operation logs) command, executing
- jamTakeOperationLog.bat
- job
- Job Creation window, customizing
- Job Definition window
- Job Distribution Attributes page, settings on
- job execution
- resuming
- specifying time of, at client
- specifying time of, at managing server
- suspending
- job hold and cancellation facility
- job menu
- supporting selection of division to specify search condition
- Job page
- Job Retry dialog box
- Job Status window
- date/time display information, selecting
- items displayed in
- printable items in
- Result
- Set Display dialog box
- sorting display by specifying condition
- Specified Information Only
- Status
- jobs
- canceling
- checking execution status of
- colors indicating execution status of
- creating
- creating
- deleting
- deleting, method of
- deleting, notes on
- displaying all details under hierarchical level
- displaying all, under hierarchical level
- displaying execution status of
- displaying, by hierarchical level
- displaying, in specified execution status
- displaying, to be deleted
- distributing, to suspended destination
- executing
- executing
- executing
- executing held
- executing saved
- executing, by bypassing erroneous relay system
- executing, for inactive client
- execution status transition
- execution status transition, example of
- execution status, types of
- forced completion of
- higher system, displaying
- holding
- managing
- managing saved
- modifying saved
- notes on canceling
- notes on checking execution status of
- notes on holding
- processing after checking execution results
- re-executing
- renaming
- saving
- saving
- setting execution results to be logged
- setting interval for monitoring execution status of
- settings for checking execution status of
- split distribution, completing forcibly
- JP1 event
- JP1 user
- JP1/Asset Information Manager
- JP1/Base
- JP1/IM
- JP1/Software Distribution
- not installed, host on which
- JP1/Software Distribution Client, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Vista version of
- JP1/Software Distribution system configuration information, manually assigning Active Directory computer information
- (K)
- KB, meaning of
- (L)
- LDIFDE command
- license count, setting
- license management
- List of Software Information window
- List tab
- List tab
- Local System Viewer
- using
- window, configuration of
- locale to code page mapping table
- location
- adding
- changing information about
- deleting
- moving
- log information, viewing
- LogFile function
- (M)
- Maker
- managed information
- printable items
- printing
- printing
- printing
- Managed label
- management attribute, changing
- managing server
- starting
- terminating
- map file
- creating
- format of
- MB, meaning of
- MBSA 1.2.1, distributing files necessary for detection using (detecting unapplied patch information)
- menus
- Client Manager
- Execute Job Backlog
- Local System Viewer
- Package Setup Manager
- Packager
- Register in ID Group
- Remote Control Agent
- Report to Server
- Setup
- Update User Information
- messages
- customizing
- notes on sending, to clients
- sending
- sending, to clients
- Microsoft SQL Server
- monitoring target programs
- setting permitted conditions for
- specifying
- Monitoring the time of the external program
- MsgBox function
- multicast address
- multicast distribution
- multicast distribution
- multicast group
- multiple LAN connections
- (N)
- network configuration information file
- network information
- adding
- changing
- editing
- Network page
- non-administrator user permissions
- Normal installation
- (O)
- offline folder
- offline installation
- offline installation
- checking result on offline machine
- notes on
- on offline machine
- procedure for
- offline installation command
- offline machine
- collecting information from
- collecting inventory and operation information from
- managing
- offline machine information
- acquisition medium, preparing
- collecting
- command for acquiring
- entering
- notes on collecting
- Old-version-compatible compression option
- On CollectionError-Do-End statement
- On InstallError-Do-End statement
- operation history
- operation information
- browsing
- collecting
- Operation Log List window
- starting
- using
- Operation Log Total
- Operation Log Total window, using
- operation logs
- operation logs
- browsing
- checking
- checking
- deleting
- displaying
- displaying count results by specifying conditions
- displaying count results for group specified by search condition
- displaying count results in graph
- items displayed in
- retrieving
- setup for collecting
- totaling
- tracing
- using search pattern to check
- operation monitoring
- basic setup for
- result, setup for uploading
- starting
- stopping
- operation monitoring policy
- adding from file
- creating
- deleting
- modifying
- modifying
- modifying
- note about sharing
- outputting to file
- sharing
- specifying name for
- Operation Monitoring Policy page
- operation monitoring result backup function
- operation time, setup for obtaining
- operation to or from external media
- operators
- character string
- comparison
- numeric value
- optional software list
- creating
- editing items in
- Options page
- setting (get software information from client job)
- setting (get system information from client job)
- Organization
- output range, method of setting (CSV output utility)
- owned devices, checking number of
- (P)
- package
- Package Attributes page
- Package Contents page
- Package expiration at relay system
- Package ID
- Package information
- Package name
- Package page, settings on
- Package Setup Manager
- Package Setup Manager
- installing from
- package, displaying detailed information about
- using
- Package Setup Manager window, configuration of
- package type
- package type
- Package window
- Package window
- Attributes tab
- List tab
- Package Contents tab
- printable items in
- Packager
- starting
- packages
- adding
- checking
- deleting
- deleting
- deleting, from relay system
- distributing, in segments
- installing, on inactive client
- managing
- setting distribution time in two stages
- setting schedule for all
- stored, checking
- packaging
- customizing environment for
- desired software
- from Hitachi Integrated CD-ROM
- notes on
- other companies' software
- procedure for
- procedure for
- specifying details
- using only recorder file
- without using AIT or recorder file
- Packaging Information page
- Packaging Setup Manager
- Collect Software Information and Update
- Report Software Information
- packet filtering method
- parameter file
- creating
- format of
- tags specified in
- patch information
- adding
- browsing
- checking detection results
- counting detection results
- detecting client
- distributing files necessary for detection using MBSA 1.2.1
- distributing files necessary for detection using WUA
- notes on detection
- procedure for detecting
- unapplied
- patch information file
- Patch page
- patches
- acquiring
- deleting
- installed at clients, acquiring
- network settings for downloading
- packaging
- updating list of
- using Scheduled Tasks to acquire, automatically
- Permission Condition Settings dialog box
- policy
- polling
- settings
- print log, setup for collecting
- print operation, setup for suppressing
- print suppression, releasing
- Processing Message page
- program folder
- program to be monitored
- Property Information Settings dialog box
- (R)
- RD area
- recorder file
- Recorder File page
- registry collection items
- creating
- distributing
- registry information
- collecting in hierarchy of managing servers
- collection procedure
- item, merging
- Registry Information tab
- relational database
- relay manager
- relay manager/system
- relay managing the ID
- relay managing the ID
- relay system
- Relays Managing ID tab
- Rem statement
- remote collection
- adding target files for
- checking execution results of
- Collect File page, settings on
- collection options, specifying
- Collection timing
- Compress
- creating job
- deleting target files from
- deleting, files from relay manager/system
- examples of
- executing
- executing job
- file configuration of, at destination
- notes on executing
- procedures for
- restoring collected files
- restoring files
- Specify external programs to start on destination client
- When client is active
- When client starts
- remote control
- Remote Control Agent
- remote control facility
- executing AMT's
- notes on using AMT's
- using
- using
- using AMT's
- Remote Control Manager
- Remote Desktop
- remote installation
- at specified time
- automatic execution of setup program after installation
- bypassing erroneous relay system during
- checking hard disk space before
- checking software already installed on client before installation
- checking status before
- examples of
- executing
- executing, on client with dial-up IP connection
- execution procedure
- notes on execution
- of software
- on clients that satisfy specified conditions
- protecting previous version from error
- setting user-specific conditions to determine whether or not to install software
- Remote Installation Manager
- basic operations of window
- menu
- of relay system, differences in windows on
- registering tool for
- starting
- starting tool from
- starting tool from menu in
- starting tool, operation example of
- stopping
- window configuration
- Replace existing package
- Report Message page
- Restart computer after installation option
- Restore dialog box
- Restore function
- Restore old version when upgrade failed option
- restore, retrying
- Role window
- (S)
- Save Template dialog box
- Save to CSV File (menu)
- Schedule page
- Schedule page
- ScreenItemList.pdf
- script
- creating
- examples of
- functions
- overview of
- search conditions
- setting display order of
- view/hide settings for
- search pattern
- search pattern
- using, to check operation logs
- search results
- setting display order of
- setting display width for items in
- view/hide settings for
- Search Users
- Security Management
- Operation Log List
- security PC
- security-related inventory information, customizing
- Select Components page
- Serial number
- server menus, managing
- SetStatus function
- Setup function
- Setup Information page
- Setup menu
- Setup method
- Shell function
- silent installation of Windows Installer-compatible software
- simple search condition
- software
- conditions
- confirming status of installation
- management
- monitoring operation status
- monitoring operations
- notes on operation monitoring
- preparing to install, during system startup
- restricting to be displayed
- Software Applied
- installing package
- managing software application status
- selecting package to be installed
- Software Applied Management
- Distribution Status
- Software Applied
- Software Conditions page
- Software Distribution
- Update User Information dialog box
- Update User Information dialog box, displaying
- Software Distribution Client
- program folder
- shortcut excluded from moving, criteria for selection of
- startup program, moving
- Software Distribution Manager folder
- Software Distribution Manager Unarchiver window
- Software Distribution SubManager Unarchiver window
- Software Distribution window
- arranging
- changing font for
- opening new
- software information
- checking collected
- collecting
- deleting
- displaying
- notes on collecting
- procedure for collecting
- software inventory
- counting hosts by
- displaying only specified software in
- filtering
- software inventory dictionary
- checking software deleted from
- deleting software from
- software inventory information to be displayed, setting
- Software Inventory tab
- Software License
- Update History
- Software Operation Status
- Software Operation Status
- Unauthorized Install List
- Software Operation Status window, using
- software operation status, checking
- Software page
- changing installed software assets
- viewing installed software assets
- software search list
- Software Search List dialog box
- software startup suppression log, viewing
- Sort Order dialog box
- Specify File dialog box
- split distribution
- split distribution
- forced completion of
- notes on
- Split size
- Start external program
- Start Remote Control Manager
- Start Remote Control Manager
- statements
- status bar
- suppress history
- symbol conventions
- SysInfoCoProcessor function
- SysInfoCpuType function
- SysInfoHDEmpty function
- SysInfoMemory function
- SysInfoOSVersion function
- System conditions
- System Conditions page
- System Conditions page
- System Configuration window
- Attributes tab
- Installed Packages tab
- List tab
- printable items in
- Registry Information tab
- Software Inventory tab
- System Information tab
- User Inventory tab
- System Definition
- changing user role
- changing window operation
- Customize Job Menu
- Customize Job Windows
- Customize Managed Items
- Role
- system information
- checking
- collecting
- collection procedure
- notes on collecting
- System Information page
- System Information tab
- System Management
- Code
- Individual Information
- Installed Software
- Location
- Log
- Search Users
- system monitoring
- specifying conditions
- starting
- stopping
- system monitoring facility
- System Monitoring icon
- System Monitoring icon
- using
- (T)
- table-format window
- table-format window
- Take system conditions from file
- TB, meaning of
- template
- editing
- using
- Template Management window
- Template Management window
- terminal server
- Time-out
- Transfer registry collection definition
- Transfer user inventory schema to client job
- checking execution results
- creating
- executing
- notes on executing
- settings on Options page
- (U)
- unarchiver
- Unarchiver menu
- unauthorized software installation, checking for
- unicast distribution
- Unrelated selection items
- unused devices, searching for
- update history
- browsing
- for installed software, managing
- USB Storage Device dialog box
- Use Template
- user information, changing
- user inventory
- entering, on managing server
- immediate updating of
- user inventory information
- user inventory information
- checking
- collecting
- entering, from CSV file
- procedure for entering
- procedure for entering, on managing server
- user inventory item
- user inventory items
- associating
- at relay manager, merging
- changing attribute of managed item
- counting hosts by
- creating
- creating hierarchical
- distributing
- exporting
- importing
- in hierarchical system of managing servers, merging
- in hierarchy, arranging existing
- notes on creating
- notes on selection items
- removing, from hierarchy
- User Inventory tab
- User name
- user permissions
- user property
- area
- code
- date
- field
- uint
- user role
- adding
- changing
- changing settings for
- deleting
- (V)
- VerInfo function
- VerInfoEx function
- version changes
- version number conventions
- Version/revision
- view items
- saving, in template
- setting
- Visual Test
- (W)
- Wake on LAN
- Web access log, setup for collecting
- Windows Installer-compatible software, silent installation of
- work directory
- notes about managing update programs by linking to
- with hierarchical structure, linking to
- WSUS computer group
- creating
- maintaining
- managing
- WUA, distributing files necessary for detection using (detecting unapplied patch information)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright (C) 2009, 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.
Copyright, patent, trademark, and other intellectual property rights related to the "TMEng.dll" file are owned exclusively by Trend Micro Incorporated.