Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


11.1.1 Settings necessary for use of a client

Because client facilities often execute automatically, you must specify an appropriate operating environment before those functions are launched. This section explains the settings that must be specified in advance for use of a client.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Registering in an ID group
(2) Preparing to install software during system startup
(3) Setting for installation with non-Administrator user permissions onto a Windows NT client
(4) Displaying a processing in progress dialog box

(1) Registering in an ID group

Because a client receives jobs from a managing server, it must register its system in a group called an ID group.

A managing server that executes jobs for a large number of clients divides the clients into groups and executes jobs for the groups. You can create a client group by either defining it in the managing server or by defining a group that clients can choose to join. When you define a group that clients can join, the managing server creates only a name for the group, which is called an ID group. A client determines the ID groups to which it wishes to belong and registers itself into those ID groups. When a job for which an ID group is specified as the destination is executed, the job is automatically executed for output to the clients that belong to the ID group.

For details about how to register a client into an ID group, see 11.2.1 Registering into an ID group.

(2) Preparing to install software during system startup

JP1/Software Distribution's remote installation process provides various options designed to minimize impact on client operations. One of these options is to require installation during system startup, which means that remote installation processing can execute only when the client PC is started.

To receive Install when system starts jobs, several settings are required at the client. Because most clients are likely to receive Install when system starts jobs, you should provide those settings whenever you install and being to use a client. For details about the setting items and the specific settings to be used, see 11.2.2 Preparing to install software during system startup.

(3) Setting for installation with non-Administrator user permissions onto a Windows NT client

The particular user's permissions with which a user logs onto a Windows NT client can limit the types of packages that can be installed. If the user who installed the client is not logged on, packages that are in the GUI installation mode are not installed, and no dialog boxes are displayed during processing.

By using the facility for installation with non-Administrator user permissions, a user logged on with non-Administrator user permissions can install packages that are in the GUI installation mode. In this case, dialog boxes are displayed during processing (for JP1/Software Distribution Client for Windows NT). Therefore, even a user with non-Administrator user permissions can install packages. However, Package Setup Manager must not be shared by multiple users with non-Administrator user permissions.

You can specify in the client setup process whether or not the facility for installation with non-Administrator user permissions is to be used. For details about the specification, see 11.2.3 Installing software using non-Administrator user permissions under Windows NT.

(4) Displaying a processing in progress dialog box

When downloading or installing software or searching for software is started by a directive from the managing server, the client screen displays a message dialog box that indicates that processing is in progress. This dialog box is provided with a Minimize button, so you can also suppress the display. You can also display a custom-made dialog box.

You can specify during client setup whether or not a processing-in-progress dialog box is to be displayed and how it is to be displayed. For the specification details, see 6.2 Setting up Client in the manual Setup Guide.