Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


3.2.2 Setting the Options page

To create a job for collecting software information, on the Create Job window's Options page, specify the software for which information is to be collected. The following explains the items to be specified on the Options page.

Figure 3-16 Options page


Software to be searched
Specify the software for which information is to be collected. You can select the following items:
  • Search software installed by Software Distribution
  • Search all software
  • Search software listed in "Add/Remove Programs"
  • Search for a file
  • Search for Microsoft Office products
  • Search for anti-virus products
For details about the information that can be collected for each of these items, see 2.2.2(1) Available software information in the manual Description and Planning Guide.
If you want to use Inventory Viewer to count the number of hosts using the information on Microsoft Office products or anti-virus products as the condition, collect information by choosing Search for Microsoft Office products or Search for anti-virus products.
When you execute or save jobs, a job is created for each item selected on this page. For example, if you select Search all software, Search for a file, and Search for anti-virus products, three jobs are created. At that time, the settings on the Schedule page and Client Control page are set in common for the created jobs. Also, a number from 1 to 6, corresponding to the selected item, is appended to the end of each job name.

Search list
When you select Search all software for Software to be searched, you can select the software search list to be used for the search.
When using a software search list, choose whether to use a search list saved in the central manager or a client.
When you execute a search using a search list saved in the central manager, the search list is sent to the execution destination client and the search list saved in the client is overwritten. To execute a search using the same search list as the previous one, you can also use the search list saved on the client.
One of the following items can be selected. The default is Search list that exists in the client.
  • Search list that exists in the client
    Searches for software using the same search list as the previous one.
  • Standard retrieve list
    Select this option if you want to collect information on only the software registered in the standard search list saved on the central manager.
  • Optional software list
    Select this option if you want to collect information on only the software registered in an optional software list saved on the central manager. Click the Browse button and specify the optional software list to be used.
    Note that an optional software list must be created in advance.
  • Standard software list and optional software list
    Select this option if you want to collect information on the software registered in both search lists saved on the central manager. Click the Browse button and specify the optional software list to be used.
    Note that an optional software list must be created in advance.
  • Do not use
    Select this option if you want to execute a search without using a search list.
    When the job is executed with this item selected, all search lists saved at the execution destination client are deleted.
    If you plan to use a search list in subsequent search options, execute the search using a search list saved on the central manager.
In an application that uses a search list to regularly collect software information, the collected information is inconsistent if a different search list is used each time. Therefore, it is recommended that you customize the Create Job dialog box and set the search list to be used each time to the default.
For details about customizing the Create Job dialog box, see 8.6.2 Customizing the Create Job dialog box.

Drive to be searched
When you select Search all software or Search for a file in Software to be searched, you can select one of the following as the drives to be searched:
  • All fixed drives
  • All fixed drives + network drives
  • Specified drives
If you execute a job on a Windows NT client, software information cannot be acquired from a drive for which you do not have access permission.
For a network drive, the following limitations apply, depending on the client's OS:
  • In Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows Server 2008
    Software information cannot be acquired from a network drive.
  • In Windows 98 or Windows Me
    If the client is logged off, software information cannot be acquired from the network drive.
  • In Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Windows Server 2003
    If you execute a Get software information from client job by using the Execute Job Backlog icon or by means of the polling that is performed while Package Setup Manager is used, you can collect software information from the network drive only if the combination of client setup settings and the logon user satisfies condition 1, 2, or 3 described below.
    No. Combination of client setup settings and logon user
    • On the Default Running Status/Polling page, the Client starts automatically at system boot check box is selected.
    • On the Security page, the Run the client with non-Administrator user permissions check box is selected.
    • Logging on as a user with Administrator permissions
    • On the Default Running Status/Polling page, the Client starts automatically at system boot check box is cleared.
    • On the Security page, the Run the client with non-Administrator user permissions check box is selected and the Use the Package Setup Manager or Execute Job Backlog command when a client is not resident check box is cleared.
    • Logging on a non-administrator user.
    • On the Security page, the Run the client with non-Administrator user permissions check box is cleared.
    • Logging on as the user who installed JP1/Software Distribution Client.

Specify drive
When you select Specified drives in Drive to be searched, specify the names of the drives. The characters that can be used include the letters A-Z and the numbers 1-9. To specify multiple drive names, separate them with the semicolon (;).

Specify File
This button is enabled when you select Search for a file in Software to be searched. Choosing this button displays the Specify File dialog box.
Organization of this subsection
(1) Specify File dialog box

(1) Specify File dialog box

This section explains the Specify File dialog box, which is displayed when you select Search for a file in Software to be searched in the Create Job window, and then choose Specify File.

Figure 3-17 Specify File dialog box


Search options
Specify a range for the file search.
Search directory
Specify a range in which the search results will be reported to the managing server. The search process is performed for all the directories on the specified drive. The search process cannot be performed for specific directories on a drive. A maximum of 1,024 characters can be specified in Search directory. You can also specify a directory without a drive name.
Placing :\ before a directory name specifies to search directories immediately under the drive.
When you specify multiple directory character strings, separate them with the semicolon (;). Note that the * and ? wildcard characters are not permitted.
Search file
  • Search for the specified files
    Specify the names of one or more files to be searched. You can specify up to 32,766 characters. When you specify multiple file name character strings, separate then with the semicolon (;).
    Example: *.exe;*.dll
    You cannot specify a directory or drive here. The * wildcard character is permitted for a file name or file extension, but ? is not. You cannot specify *.*.
  • Search for files that are managed in the software inventory
    You can use as the key to search for files the file name of software specified in the software inventory dictionary as being managed. You cannot use any information other than the file name (such as file size or update date/time) as the search key. Note that this facility cannot be used if the software inventory dictionary contains no software or if none of the software programs in the software inventory dictionary is specified as being managed.
    If the software inventory dictionary is changed after a job that uses this facility has been defined, the change will not be reflected in the defined job; you must redefine the job.

Skip search
Specify a range to be excluded from the search.
Skip directory
Specify directories to be excluded from the search. JP1/Software Distribution excludes all directories containing the specified character string.
A maximum of 1,024 characters can be specified in Skip directory. You can also specify a directory without a drive name. If a directory name is preceded by :\, it indicates a directory immediately below the drive. You can also specify the following environment variables:
Environment variable Description
%NETMDMP% Directory in which JP1/Software Distribution Manager (relay manager) or JP1/Software Distribution Client is installed
%WINDOWS% Directory in which Windows is installed
%SYSTEM% System or System32 directory under the directory in which Windows is installed#
#: The System directory is used when the OS of the job destination is Windows 98 or Windows Me. System32 is used in all other cases.
When specifying multiple directories, separate them using semicolons (;). Neither * nor ? can be specified.
The default, %WINDOWS%;:\Recycled\;:\Recycle\;:\Recycler\, excludes the directory in which Windows is installed and the recycle bin.
Skip file
  • Skip the specified files
    Selecting this option enables you to specify files you want to omit from the search. When you specify more than one file, separate them with the semicolon (;).
    You cannot specify a directory or drive in this field. The * wildcard character is permitted for a file name or file extension, but ? is not.
  • Skip the files that are not managed in the software inventory
    Selecting this option skips the search for all files of software set as unmanaged software in the software inventory dictionary.

Update the software inventory information
Specify whether or not all collected software inventory information is to be updated. If you select check box, JP1/Software Distribution updates all the software inventory information as soon as the job is executed or the first time a periodically executed job collects information. If you do not select this check box, JP1/Software Distribution collects differing components information.