Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


6.2.3 Basic setup for operation monitoring

Specify the maximum size for the history to be stored at a client. Also specify the time for displaying the termination warning dialog box.

Figure 6-8 Edit Software Operation Monitoring Policy dialog box (basic setup for operation monitoring)


Maximum log size
Specify between 1 and 1,000 MB as the maximum file size for storing the suppression log and operation log at the client. The default value is 10 MB. When the history size reaches the specified maximum, the oldest history is deleted and the new one is added.
The suppression and operation logs each consist of 10 files, one for each function. The value specified here is the maximum size per file.
Use the following formula to determine the disk capacity required for the client to store log data:
Disk capacity required for client = maximum log size x 10
In a virtual environment, we recommend that you specify at least 600 MB.

Display time of Pre-alert notification dialog box
This setting is valid when you prevent software start and specify time (permission time) for the permitted condition for the monitored program.
Specify between 0 and 3,600 seconds as the amount of program time remaining once the pre-alert notification dialog box is displayed. The default value is 60 seconds. If 0 is specified, the termination warning dialog box is not displayed.