Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


2.2.15 Variations in packaging other companies' software

You can use the following four methods to package other companies' software:

  1. Use an AIT file and a program product ID file.
  2. Use a recorder file, an installation definition file, and a program product ID file.
  3. Use only a recorder file.
  4. Use neither an AIT file nor a recorder file.

The method of specifying settings in the Software Distribution Packaging dialog box explained earlier assumed methods 1 and 2. Therefore, methods 3 and 4 are explained here.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Packaging using only a recorder file
(2) Packaging without using an AIT or recorder file

(1) Packaging using only a recorder file

To package another company's software using a recorder file, you normally create an installation definition file as well as a program product ID and save them in a designated directory. This method is convenient in the following cases:

To package a number of programs consecutively
Putting all the program information in a single file saves time and makes packaging more efficient.

To avoid operator errors
Preparing an installation definition file helps to prevent operator errors when entering information during packaging (for example, specifying the wrong package name). This improves data accuracy and is effective for counting results (for example, inventory information).

Except in the cases described above, packaging using only a recorder file and omitting the installation definition file and program product ID file is more convenient.

When you use only a recorder file, the package type is assumed to be User programs and data when the Software Distribution Packaging dialog box is displayed. Therefore, you must select Other companies' software. The settings in the Software Distribution Packaging dialog box also differ as follows:

Page name Difference when only a recorder file is used
Packaging Information
  • You cannot change Package name, Package ID, or Version/revision.
  • Maker is not displayed.
  • You can specify the name of the installation program to be used for remote installation as Installer name. You can also click the Browse button and select a file.
File Properties Not displayed.
Setup Information No value is displayed.
Recorder File The Visual Test version is displayed under Visual Test version. The same value as that selected in Recorder File Version during Packager installation is displayed.

(2) Packaging without using an AIT or recorder file

In the case of distributing software that contains an installer, Software Distribution usually includes in the package an AIT file or recorder file that defines the operating procedure for the installer. This means that the software is installed automatically at the remote client machine without requiring intervention by the client user.

However, there may be occasions when you want the client user to install the package, without using automatic remote installation. This method requires that the package include neither an AIT file nor a recorder file. The procedure is described below.

(a) Packaging another company's software without an AIT file or a recorder file

To package another company's software without an AIT file or a recorder file:

  1. When preparing the installation definition file, omit the RecordFileDirectory parameter for setting a folder for recorder files.
    Omit the entire RecordFileDirectory parameter. Do not simply set a blank as the parameter value.
  2. Start Packager, and package and register the other company's software.
    Check that nothing is set in the Recorder file directory settings area on the Recorder File page of the Software Distribution Packaging dialog box. If you wish, you can specify a folder for the recorder file. This has the same effect as setting the RecordFileDirectory parameter in the installation definition file.
  3. Start Remote Installation Manager at the central manager and execute the job at the client where you want to perform the installation. Specify the package registered in step 2 as a Send package, allow client to choose job.
  4. At the client, start Package Setup Manager, then select the required package in the Package Setup Manager window and perform the installation.
    Only Manual is enabled for the software's Installation method.
(b) Notes