Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


4.2.1 Counting procedure

To perform host counting, select the count target, and then follow the Count Clients wizard instructions to set the count conditions and view items. An overview of the counting procedure is provided below, with a focus on the window transitions. For the detailed setting procedure, see the section noted in each step.

To count clients for inventory information:

  1. In the Host-selection window, select the count target client.

    Figure 4-4 Host-selection window


    For details about selecting the count target, see 4.2.2 Selecting the count targets.
  2. Choose Execute and then Count Clients.
    The Condition Settings dialog box opens.

    Figure 4-5 Condition Settings dialog box


  3. Set the count conditions.
    To specify count conditions, under Inventory, select the inventory items to be counted. Then, specify a count condition for Condition value and click the Add Condition button.

    Figure 4-6 Example of settings in the Condition Settings dialog box


    For details about setting a count condition, see 4.2.3 Examples of count condition settings and count results.
  4. Click the Next button.
    The View Items Settings dialog box opens.

    Figure 4-7 View Items Settings dialog box


  5. Set the view items for the count results.
    Select the items to be displayed in the count results, then click the > button to add them to View Items:.
    For details about setting view items, see 4.2.4 Setting the view items.
  6. Click the Execute button.
    Inventory information counting begins according to the specified conditions.
    When counting is completed, the count results are displayed.

    Figure 4-8 Count results


    Notes on re-executing counting:
    If you re-execute counting when the count results are being displayed in the Count Clients window, the count results are overwritten. Therefore, print the count results or save them in CSV files as needed before re-executing counting.

You can save a set of count conditions created with the Count Clients wizard in a template. Once you save a set of count conditions in a template, you can perform counting repeatedly using the same conditions by selecting the template.

To save count conditions in a template, from the Condition Settings dialog box or the View Items Settings dialog box, click the Save or Save and Execute button to open the Save Template dialog box.

Figure 4-9 Save Template dialog box


Specifying the template name to be saved and clicking the Save button saves the template. If you open the dialog box by clicking the Save and Execute button, clicking the Save button saves the template, and counting begins.

For details about how to use templates, see 4.4.2 Using a template to display inventory information or count hosts.