Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


7.6.2 dcmamtrc.exe (AMT's remote control)

Organization of this subsection
(1) Function
(2) Format
(3) Arguments
(4) Return code
(5) Execution example

(1) Function

This command manipulates a remote client's BIOS. It also executes a diagnostic program on the client from a floppy disk at the managing server.

(2) Format

dcmamtrc.exe   /h host-name | /i IP-address
               /b | /r

(3) Arguments

Specifies the target client's host name, as 1 to 64 characters; this name is not case sensitive.

Specifies the target client's IP address, as 7 to 15 characters.

Specify this argument to remotely manipulate the client's BIOS.

Specify this argument to execute a diagnostic program on the remote client from a floppy disk at the managing server.

(4) Return code

The following table lists and describes the dcmamtrc command's return codes.

Code Description Action
0 The SOL connection and IDE redirect connection were successful, and the BIOS setup and IDE redirect setup terminated normally. None
2 A command argument is invalid. Check the command arguments.
5 A socket error occurred. Check if an SOL driver has been installed on the client.
6 An IDER connection failed. Check if the floppy disk contains a diagnostic program.
7 An SOL connection has already been established. A new SOL connection cannot be established. No action is needed.
8 An IDE redirect connection has already been established. A new IDE redirect connection cannot be established. No action is needed.
9 Client's power is off. Turn on the client's power.
12 Another error occurred. This is a system error; check the command execution environment.
31 The SOL connection failed.
  • Check the host name or IP address of the connection target.
  • Check if AMT is used to establish connection.

(5) Execution example

This example sets up BIOS on a remote client whose host name is dmp001:

dcmamtrc.exe /h dmp001 /b