Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


2.2.5 File Properties page

Use this page to specify an access permission for and ownership of the file after remote installation. If the installation target is Windows Me or Windows 98 (a FAT file system or HPFS), file properties are ignored, even if specified. This page is displayed only when the package type is Other companies' software or User programs and data.

Figure 2-16 File Properties page


Use the permissions and owner of the installation directory
Creates a new file with the same access permission and ownership as the remote installation target directory for the package. If the directory to be packaged already exists in the remote installation target directory, its properties are inherited.

Use the standard permissions and owner of Software Distribution
Sets the standard access permissions and ownership of JP1/Software Distribution. The following values are set:
When the remote installation target is Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, or Windows 2000
  • Folder and file access permissions
    Administrators: Full control
    SYSTEM: Full control
    Everyone: Read access and execution
  • Folder and file owner: Administrators
When the remote installation target is Windows NT 4.0
  • Folder and file access permissions
    Administrators: Full control
    CREATOR OWNER: Full control (for folders only)
    SYSTEM: Full control
    Everyone: Read access
  • Folder and file owner: Administrators
When the remote installation target is UNIX
  • File mode: 700 (only users who have the superuser permissions have read and write access)
  • Owner: root
  • Group: sys

Use the permissions and owner of the directory on the packager
Restores the source file's or directory's access permissions and ownership at the installation target. This option is not available if the file or directory to be packaged is located in Windows Me or Windows 98 (a FAT file system or HPFS).
If the remote installation target is the UNIX version of JP1/Software Distribution Client, this setting is ignored. If the setting is specified, the same file attributes as when Use the standard permissions and owner of Software Distribution is selected are specified.
To specify Use the permissions and owner of the directory on the packager at the installation target, the owner of the files and directories to be packaged must be an administrator. In Windows XP, the default owner of files and directories is the logged-on user. Before packaging, the owner must be changed to an administrator. In Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, and Windows NT 4.0, ensure that the owner of the files and directories is an administrator before packaging is initiated.