Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


Appendix D.1 Overview of scripts for setting the installation conditions

JP1/Software Distribution uses GUI screens to set up the software installation environment and collection conditions. This is adequate in most situations. However, there may be cases when the environment setup requires detailed adjustment. For example, it may be necessary to run a unique check on the possibility of successful installation or to display messages on a client screen.

To set up the installation environment or collection conditions without using the GUI, or to exercise greater control over the installation flow or collection target, the user should create a unique script using a language called the installation script or collection script.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Creating an installation script
(2) Creating a collection script
(3) Execution errors

(1) Creating an installation script

Use a text editor to create a user's installation script before packaging software (on the personal computer where the software is to be packaged). Then, specify the pathname of the script file by clicking Browse on the System Conditions page of the JP1/Software Distribution Packaging dialog box of Packager. The installation script is inserted into the package.

(2) Creating a collection script

A user-created collection script can be used to remotely collect the files at the clients from the distribution management system of UNIX. A collection script can specify the remote-collection targets in detail.

(3) Execution errors

Even when the script has no syntax errors, an error may occur during remote installation or remote collection due to one of the following causes:

An error is recorded in the LOG\SCRIPT.LOG file, LOG\MAIN.LOG file, and the Windows NT event log when the debugger is run on an installation script or collection script, or if an error occurs during remote installation or remote collection. Check the error information and revise the script.