Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


3.4.3 Creating a map file

You define in a map file the names of items that are displayed on the Directory Information page in the Directory Information window. You use a map file to define display names for the following attributes, as required:

Use names that are standard in the managing server for display names that are defined in the map file. This subsection describes the format of a map file and how to create such a file.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Format of a map file
(2) Editing the map file

(1) Format of a map file

You create a map file in text format. The following shows the format of a map file:

#Display name definitions
type[Figure]attribute-name[Figure]display-name linefeed-code
type[Figure]attribute-name[Figure]display-name linefeed-code
type[Figure]attribute-name[Figure]display-name linefeed-code

A line beginning with a hash mark (#) is treated as a comment. Specify only one definition per line. For [Figure], enter one or more spaces.

The items are displayed in windows in the order they are specified in the map file. Therefore, when you create a map file, take into account the order in which you wish the items to be displayed in windows.

The following describes the items specified in a map file.

Specifies one of the following as the type of display name being defined:
  • OU: A display name for an OU
  • GRP: A display name for a group
  • COM: A display name for a computer
  • USR: A display name for a user

Specifies the attribute name for an Active Directory information item that is to be managed by the managing server.

Specifies how the information item specified in attribute-name is to be displayed on the Directory Information page in the Directory Information window. None of the following characters or the tab character can be used in a display name:
\ / * " ' : ; , & %
Do not specify any spaces before the linefeed code.

(2) Editing the map file

Edit the provided sample map file according to the environment in which the map file is used and the values extracted by the procedure described in 3.4.2 Extracting the information needed for setup.

The sample map file (SampleMap.txt) is stored in the following directory:


The following shows the contents of the provided sample map file:

OU ou Name
OU managedBy Managed by
GRP cn Group
GRP managedBy Managed by
COM cn Computer name
COM dNSHostName DNS name
COM ManagedBy Managed by
USR cn Full name
USR sn Last name
USR givenname First name
USR displayName Display name
USR physicalDeliveryOfficeName Office
USR telephoneNumber Telephone number
USR mail E-mail
USR company Company
USR department Department
USR title Title
USR manager Manager

If you use the sample file as is, it is displayed as shown below in the Directory Information window.

Figure 3-59 Directory Information window that is displayed when the sample file is used
