Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


11.8 Reporting an alert based on system monitoring

A client is monitoring the hard disk and memory statuses according to preset conditions. These statuses are displayed on the System Conditions page of the Local System Viewer window. When the usage exceeds the threshold, you can also issue an alert to indicate a critical situation. This facility is called the system monitoring facility.

Because system monitoring operates regardless of whether the client is connected to a higher system, the client user can use this facility for local system management. If the client is connected to a higher system, you can send an alert to the connection destination as well.

The following sections explain how to start or stop system monitoring, how to specify system monitoring conditions, and alert issuance variations.

Organization of this section
11.8.1 Starting or stopping system monitoring
11.8.2 Specifying system monitoring conditions
11.8.3 Using the System Monitoring icon
11.8.4 Various alert reporting methods