Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


2.1.2 Packaging procedure

This section explains the packaging procedure.

The packaging procedure differs depending on whether you are packaging Hitachi program products from a Hitachi Integrated CD-ROM or other companies' software products and user programs.

Each of these procedures is explained below.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Procedure for packaging from a Hitachi Integrated CD-ROM
(2) Procedure for packaging the desired software

(1) Procedure for packaging from a Hitachi Integrated CD-ROM

To package Hitachi program products from a Hitachi Integrated CD-ROM:

  1. In the File window, choose the root directory of the drive in which the Hitachi Integrated CD-ROM is inserted.
    You must select a root directory on the left panel of the File window. If you select anything else, you cannot package software.
  2. Choose Run and then Packaging.
    The Package of Hitachi Integrated CD-ROM dialog box opens.

    Figure 2-7 Package of Hitachi Integrated CD-ROM dialog box


  3. Click either the Password or No Password button.
    If the Password button is clicked, enter in the Enter Password dialog box the password that was provided when you purchased the Hitachi Integrated CD-ROM.
    The Program Product List dialog box opens.

    Figure 2-8 Program Product List dialog box


  4. Select the Hitachi program products to be packaged and click the Package button.
    The Software Distribution Packaging dialog box opens.

    Figure 2-9 Software Distribution Packaging dialog box


    Specify packaging details. For details about how to specify settings in the Software Distribution Packaging dialog box, see 2.2 Specifying the packaging details.
    If you select multiple program products in the Program Product List, select each program product from the pull-down list on the Package information page, and specify the packaging details. Repeat this to specify all the packaging details for all the program products.
  5. When you have finished with the settings, click the Execute Packaging button.
    Packaging begins.
    When packaging is completed, a dialog box indicating the completion opens.
  6. Click the OK button.
  7. In the Package window, confirm that a package has been created.

    Figure 2-10 Package window


    A package is displayed as the following icon:
    [Figure]: Package
    For details about how to check for a package, see 2.1.3 Checking a stored package.

(2) Procedure for packaging the desired software

To package the desired software:

  1. In the File window, choose the files or directory to be packaged.
    You can select multiple files.
  2. Choose Run and then Packaging.
    The Software Distribution Packaging dialog box opens.
    The steps from here on are the same as steps 4 and subsequent steps in (1) Procedure for packaging from a Hitachi Integrated CD-ROM above.

If a package has been created by mistake, you can delete it. To delete a package from Packager, select the package to be deleted in the Package window, and then choose Edit and Delete.

You can use the Customize Default Settings dialog box to change the packaging environment, such as the work directory, and the default value in the Software Distribution Packaging dialog box. For details, see 2.2.16 Customizing the packaging environment.