Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


2.1.3 Checking a stored package

You can check the content of a stored package from the Package window of Packager.

To check the content of a package, from the View menu, choose Items to View and then Package Attribute. The content of the selected package is displayed in the right-hand frame of the Package window.

You can check a package's detailed attribute information in the dialog box that displays the package properties.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Checking the package details
(2) Notes on checking the package details

(1) Checking the package details

This section explains the method for checking the details of a package that is stored in a cabinet. Note that you cannot check the details of multiple packages at the same time.

To check the details of a package stored in a cabinet:

  1. From the Software Distribution Packager window, select a package to be checked.
  2. From the File menu, select Properties.
    The XXXXX Properties dialog box appears (XXXXX is the package name).
  3. In the XXXXX Properties dialog box, choose Details.
    When the Details of Attributes dialog box appears, you can check the packaging specification details. The items displayed in the Details of Attributes dialog box depend on whether or not an installation script is used.
    Figure 2-11 shows the Details of Attributes dialog box when an installation script is used; Figure 2-12 shows the Details of Attributes dialog box when an installation script is not used.

    Figure 2-11 Details of Attributes dialog box: installation script is used


    Figure 2-12 Details of Attributes dialog box: installation script is not used


(2) Notes on checking the package details

You may not be able to display a package's attribute details in the case of some products and versions at Packager's connection destination. The following table shows for the various products and versions of connection destinations whether or not attribute details can be displayed:

Connection destination Version
06-51 or earlier 06-53 to 06-71 07-00 or later
Windows JP1/Software Distribution Manager (relational database version) Y N Y
Windows JP1/Software Distribution Manager (basic database version) N N Y
Windows version of JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system) or JP1/Software Distribution SubManager N N Y
UNIX version of JP1/Software Distribution Manager N Y N/A

Y: Can be displayed. N: Cannot be displayed. N/A: Not applicable.

Attribute details cannot be displayed for the following packages: