Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


2.5.8 Installing on clients that satisfy specified conditions

To install software only on clients that satisfy specified conditions, you use the System Conditions page or the Software Conditions page to specify appropriate conditions. Alternatively, you can use the client counting facility to select the clients. If there are only a few clients that satisfy the conditions, the volume of file transfer can be reduced, because the job affects just a small number of clients. For example, these methods may be used to select clients that are using Microsoft Word 2000 in order to install on them Microsoft Word 2003, or to identify clients by OS version and then execute remote installation only on the Windows 2000 client systems.

To select the destination clients, first, use a Get system information from client job and Get software information from client job to acquire client inventory information. Next, use Inventory Viewer to extract the desired clients by counting the number of clients for each item in the inventory. Then, from the Execute menu, choose Create Host Group from Count. The extracted clients are added as a group in the Destination window.

For details about counting the number of clients for each item in the inventory and using the counting result to create a destination group, see 2.3 Managing inventory information in the manual Description and Planning Guide.