Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


11.10 Managing backup files

In the event remote installation using the Backup/Restore facility fails, normally restoration (file restore) is executed automatically, using backup files. However, this restoration process can also fail or may fail to be executed.

In the case of a package that is packaged by the UNIX version of Packager (resource-registration system), any backup files for which restoration has failed are saved on the client according to the Backup retention period that was specified during packaging.

Backing up files can be executed by commands. You should verify backup files and delete or retry the restore process as necessary.

The following is a list of commands that can be used to manage saved backup files.

Table 11-4 Commands for management of backup files

Command Function
dmpbklst Produces a list of backup files.
dmpbkdel Deletes a backup file.
dmprcvry Retries the restore process using saved backup files.
Organization of this section
11.10.1 Outputting a backup collection status list (dmpbklst command)
11.10.2 Deleting a backup file (dmpbkdel command)
11.10.3 Retrying a restore (dmprcvry command)