Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


3.4.1 How to acquire directory information

To acquire directory information, first create a parameter file and a map file, and then execute the dcmadsync command.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Extracting the information needed for setup
(2) Creating a map file
(3) Creating a parameter file
(4) Executing dcmadsync.exe (directory information acquisition command)

(1) Extracting the information needed for setup

Export from Active Directory the information needed to create a map file and a parameter file.

For details, see 3.4.2 Extracting the information needed for setup.

(2) Creating a map file

You use a map file to define the names to be used to display the items acquired from Active Directory on the managing server's windows. Although creation of a map file is not mandatory, we recommend that you create one because otherwise no computer information will be displayed in the managing server's windows. Even if you do not create a map file, you can still specify directory information from Active Directory as a job destination.

You can use the provided sample file to create a map file.

For details, see 3.4.3 Creating a map file.

(3) Creating a parameter file

You use a parameter file to define the information required in order to connect to Active Directory, such as the host name and port number of the Active Directory from which directory information is to be acquired, and the items to be acquired from the Active Directory.

You can use the provided sample file to create a parameter file.

For details, see 3.4.4 Creating a parameter file.

(4) Executing dcmadsync.exe (directory information acquisition command)

Use the dcmadsync command to import a map file, convert passwords, and acquire directory information according to the definitions in the parameter file.

For details, see 3.4.5 Executing dcmadsync.exe (directory information acquisition command).