Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


6.4 Collecting operation information

There are two ways to acquire a suppression log, operation log, and operation time from clients:

These methods are explained as follows.

To reduce the network load, suppression logs and operation logs are compressed to approximately 20% of their original sizes when they are collected from clients. After being collected, these logs are uncompressed by the managing server and stored in the locations shown in the following table.

Table 6-1 Storage locations for the suppression log and operation log

Operation information Storage location at managing server
Suppression log netmdm_monitoring_result table
Operation log JP1/Software Distribution Manager's software operation history storage directory#\OPERATION
Operation time netmdm_monitoring_workresult table

Directory that was specified in the Software Operation History Storage Directory Settings dialog box during the installation of JP1/Software Distribution Manager.

When the number of software startup suppression log items exceeds the number of items to be saved that was specified during setup, old log items are deleted beginning with the oldest. When you wish to manage more software startup suppression log items than the number of items that was specified to be saved, you can periodically use the CSV output utility or the dcmcsvu command to output suppression log items to a CSV file.

When the operation log items exceed the threshold specified during setup, the excess items are relocated to the operation history backup directory. Operation log items saved in the operation history backup directory are not deleted. In this manner, it is possible to manage log items when the number of log items exceeds the threshold. However, a drawback is that the operation log items may strain the disc capacity of the operation history backup directory. For this reason, you should check the directory size from time to time and delete unnecessary operation log items. Note that before you can delete operation log items, you must stop the JP1/Software Distribution Manager service (Remote Install Server).

Operation time information is saved for 220 days for each client. When the number of days of saved operation times exceeds 220 days, old information is deleted beginning with the oldest. If you wish to manage the operation information for more than 220 days, you should make a backup of the database.

Organization of this section
6.4.1 Regular reporting from a client
6.4.2 Executing a Get software monitoring information from the client job at a managing server