Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


8.2.3 Setting up the Job page

On the Job page, verify the job type, and then specify a name for the job.

Figure 8-7 Job page


Job name (required)
The default job name of job-type_ year_ month_ date_ hour_minute_second is displayed initially. You can change it to any name of your choosing that is easier to manage.
The job-type portion depends on the job. For example, RemoteInstall is assigned to a job for executing remote installation of a package (Install package job).
To change the default job name, enter any unique name of up to 32 characters; you must observe the following rules:
  • The following characters are not permitted: \ / * " : ' ! | . < > ? space
  • The system is not case-sensitive in interpreting the name.

Job type
The job type specified in the Define New Job dialog box is displayed. You cannot change this item.