uCosminexus Service Platform





1. Functional Overview of Cosminexus Service Platform
1.1 Functional overview of the development environment
1.1.1 Functionality for creating message formats
1.1.2 Functionality for creating user-defined reception
1.1.3 Functionality for creating service adapters
1.1.4 Functionality for creating business processes
1.1.5 Functionality for creating data transformation definitions
1.1.6 Functionality for defining deployment
1.1.7 Packaging
1.1.8 Functionality for deploying to starting or stopping to deleting HCSC components, in a batch
1.1.9 Functionality for creating service requesters
1.1.10 Functionality for debugging business processes
1.2 Functional overview of the execution environment
1.2.1 Functionality for distributing services
1.2.2 Functionality for invoking various services
1.2.3 Functionality for executing business processes
1.3 Functional overview of the operating environment
1.3.1 Functionality for setting up the execution environment
1.3.2 Functionality for deploying HCSC components
1.3.3 Functionality for managing operations in the execution environment
1.3.4 Functionality for managing execution logs
1.4 Configuring clusters of the HCSC server
1.4.1 Redundant configuration of the HCSC server using the load-balancing functionality
1.4.2 Redundant configuration of the HCSC server using cluster software
1.4.3 Redundant configuration of the HCSC server using N-to-1 cluster configuration
1.5 Configuration pattern of an operating environment in the cluster configuration
1.6 Importing repositories at the time of distributed development
1.6.1 Flow for distributed development using the import component function
1.6.2 Points to be considered for distributed development

2. Functionality for Connecting to Various Types of Systems
2.1 Basic procedure of invoking service components
2.1.1 Basic structure
2.1.2 Procedure for invoking service components
2.1.3 Flow of invoking a service component with a message format different from the service component side
2.1.4 Identification information provided in the service component invocation process
2.2 Connecting to services by using Web Services (SOAP communication)
2.2.1 Relationship with the Communication Infrastructure for Web Services
2.2.2 Relationship between user messages and WSDL when a service component is invoked
2.2.3 Transactions when using Web Services (SOAP communication)
2.2.4 Cookie information in Web service (SOAP communication)
2.2.5 Inheriting HTTP header in Web service (SOAP communication)
2.2.6 SOAP message configuration in Web service (SOAP communication)
2.2.7 Dynamic change in connection destination in Web service (SOAP communication)
2.3 Connecting to services using Session Beans
2.3.1 Relationship with Application Server (EJB containers)
2.3.2 Relationship between user messages and stubs when a service component is invoked
2.3.3 Transactions when using Session Bean
2.3.4 Points to be considered when using SessionBean adapter
2.4 Connecting to services Using WS-R (WS-Reliability)
2.4.1 Relationship with Reliable Messaging
2.4.2 Flow of messages when invoking service components
2.4.3 Handling response messages when a synchronous service component is invoked
2.4.4 Transactions when using an MDB (WS-R)
2.4.5 Dead message queue
2.4.6 Names and number of queues used in an MDB (WS-R)
2.5 Connecting to services by using a database queue
2.5.1 Relationship with Reliable Messaging
2.5.2 Flow of messages when invoking service components
2.5.3 Handling response messages when a synchronous service component is invoked
2.5.4 Transactions when using an MDB (DB queue)
2.5.5 Dead message queue
2.5.6 Names and number of queues used in an MDB (DB queue)
2.6 Connecting to a database
2.6.1 Accessing a database using DB adapters
2.6.2 Setting up a DB connector to be used by DB adapters
2.6.3 Transactions while using DB adapter
2.6.4 Dynamic change in connection destination information for DB adapters
2.7 Connecting to OpenTP1
2.8 Connecting to a system handling a file
2.8.1 Accessing files using file adapter
2.8.2 Reading and writing files using adapter
2.8.3 File formats that can be used in adapters
2.8.4 Modes for file operations
2.8.5 Exclusive control while reading and writing files
2.9 Connection with Object Wrapper system
2.9.1 Access to Object Wrapper system using Object Access adapter
2.9.2 Message format transformation at the time of connection
2.10 Connecting to Message Queues
2.10.1 Invoking service components using Message Queue reception
2.10.2 Access to message queues using Message Queue adapter
2.11 Connecting to FTP Client and FTP Server
2.11.1 File transfer integrated with FTP
2.12 Connecting to the mail server
2.12.1 Preconditions
2.12.2 System using the mail adapter
2.12.3 Transactions when using the mail adapter
2.12.4 Mail information that can be set on the mail adapter
2.12.5 Managing the mail adapter timer
2.12.6 Authentication when sending email messages from the mail adapter
2.13 Connecting to client using HTTP communication
2.13.1 Invoking a service component using HTTP reception
2.13.2 Example of online system using HTTP reception
2.13.3 Example of HTTP reception configuration
2.13.4 HTTP reception request process
2.13.5 HTTP reception response process
2.13.6 Managing HTTP request files
2.13.7 Encoding and decoding HTTP requests and HTTP responses
2.13.8 Transactions to be performed while using HTTP reception
2.13.9 Managing HTTP reception timer
2.13.10 Points to be considered when using HTTP reception
2.14 Connecting to services using HTTP communication
2.14.1 Preconditions
2.14.2 Invoking service components using HTTP adapter
2.14.3 Relation between HTTP requests and request messages
2.14.4 Relation between HTTP responses and response messages
2.14.5 Inheriting Cookie information using HTTP adapter
2.14.6 Communication through proxy servers
2.14.7 Communication using connection continuity (Keep-Alive)
2.14.8 Communication using chunk transmission
2.14.9 Compressing and extracting HTTP body
2.14.10 Secure connection using WWW authentication
2.14.11 Managing HTTP adapter timer
2.14.12 Examples of a system using the HTTP adapter
2.14.13 Corresponding relation between request message (header) and HTTP-adapter runtime-environment (common) property file
2.15 Connecting to a system by using a custom reception
2.15.1 Configuring a custom reception
2.15.2 Overview of the custom reception framework
2.16 Connecting to a system by using a General custom adapter
2.16.1 Overview of General custom adapters
2.16.2 Overview of the custom adapter development framework

3. Business Process Functionality
3.1 Overview of business processes
3.1.1 Reception and response
3.1.2 Service invocation
3.1.3 Java invocation
3.1.4 Data transformation
3.1.5 ASSIGN
3.1.6 Repetition
3.1.7 SWITCH
3.1.8 FLOW
3.1.9 Standby processing
3.2 Mechanism of business processes
3.2.1 Business process flow
3.2.2 Communication models of business processes
3.2.3 Process instances
3.2.4 Activity
3.2.5 Types and roles of variables
3.2.6 Role of a correlation set
3.3 Business processes that are to be made persistent and that are not to be made persistent
3.3.1 Business processes that are to be made persistent
3.3.2 Business processes that are not to be made persistent
3.4 Transaction of a business process
3.4.1 Transactions when ON is specified in compatibility with the business process status
3.4.2 Transactions when OFF is specified for compatibility with the business process status and ON is specified for compatibility with the invoke service activity status
3.4.3 Transactions when OFF is specified in both compatibility with the business process status and compatibility with the invoke service activity status
3.4.4 Transactionsof the invoke service activity
3.4.5 Transactionswhen you select the option to commit at start time and end time of scope
3.4.6 Transactionsof the scope activity
3.4.7 Transactions of the reply activity
3.5 Re-executinga business process
3.5.1 Re-executing business processes from windows in an operating environment
3.5.2 Re-executing business processes with commands
3.5.3 Re-executing business processes from service requesters (SOAP communication)
3.5.4 Re-executing business processes from service requesters (Session Bean)
3.6 Standby processing using business processes
3.7 Asynchronous execution of an activity that is defined after reply activity

4. Functionality for Smooth System Operations
4.1 Setting up a timer for an HCSC server
4.1.1 Timers that can be set up on an HCSC server
4.1.2 Changing the timeout value of service components
4.1.3 Precautions to be taken when setting up a timer
4.2 Changing the connection destination of service components
4.3 Catching a fault by using the SOAP fault operation definition file
4.4 Checking the operation status from an application
4.4.1 Overview of checking the operation status
4.4.2 Flow of checking the operation status
4.4.3 Precautions on checking the operation status
4.5 Complementing name space prefixes specified in attribute values of XML messages
4.6 Defining message format of any format
4.6.1 Flow of process when any format is set
4.6.2 Combination of variables (Message type) when data is not transformed
4.7 General faults for converting system exceptions to faults
4.7.1 Overview of general faults for converting system exceptions to faults
4.7.2 Flow of identifying the location of a system exception by using a general fault
4.7.3 Mapping between general fault messages and message log
4.8 Changing value of user message wherein UOC is used
4.8.1 Overview of component-common UOC
4.8.2 Usage example of component-common UOC

5. Performance Upgrade Function
5.1 Multiplicity of the service component invocation process
5.1.1 Multiplicity of the HCSC server
5.1.2 Multiplicity related to database access
5.1.3 Multiplicity related to Web Services (SOAP communication)
5.1.4 Multiplicityrelated to XML analysis process
5.2 Cache functionality for XML messages
5.3 Pre-cache function of a business process
5.4 XML parser pool function of the data transformation process

6. Functionality for Failure Checking
6.1 Functionality for acquiring failure information, failure recovery, and failure analysis
6.1.1 Functionality for acquiring failure information
6.1.2 Troubleshooting functionality
6.1.3 Failure analysis functionality
6.2 Data validation functionality
6.2.1 Overview of the data validation functionality
6.2.2 Setting up the data validation functionality
6.2.3 Scoping of data validation function
6.3 User message trace functionality
6.3.1 Overview of the user message trace functionality
6.3.2 Setting up the user message trace functionality
6.3.3 Precautions on using the user message trace functionality

7. Functionality Used by Linking with Other Products
7.1 Operation management through linkage with JP1
7.1.1 Detecting failures by linking with JP1/IM
7.1.2 Monitoring processes through JP1
7.2 Databasesthat can be connected
7.3 Management of execution logs by linking with HiRDB
7.3.1 Partitioning storage of execution logs

8. Functionality to Transfer Files by Integrating with FTP (FTP Integration)
8.1 Overview of FTP integration
8.2 System configuration for using FTP integration
8.3 Examples of file transfer patterns using FTP integration
8.3.1 Transfer of files from an FTP client to an FTP server
8.3.2 Transfer of files from an FTP server to an FTP client
8.3.3 Transfer of files from an FTP client to another FTP client
8.3.4 Obtaining a file list from an FTP server
8.4 FTP reception functionality
8.4.1 Operations and FTP commands supported in an FTP reception
8.4.2 Communication model and business processes that can be used with FTP receptions
8.4.3 Transactions when FTP reception is used
8.4.4 Generating the request ID
8.4.5 Creating the work folder and intermediate files
8.4.6 Business process access control
8.4.7 Managing FTP commands executed before and after transfer and list
8.4.8 Executing the LIST and NLST commands by specifying list command options
8.4.9 Monitoring a timeout
8.5 FTP inbound adapter functionality
8.5.1 Checking the file size after sending and receiving files
8.5.2 Monitoring a timeout
8.6 FTP adapter functionality
8.6.1 Flow of FTP adapter processing
8.6.2 Executing the FTP commands
8.6.3 Folder specification used for sending and receiving files
8.6.4 Checking the file size after sending and receiving files
8.6.5 Timer management
8.7 File operations adapter functionality
8.7.1 Operations supported by the file operations adapter
8.7.2 Request and response messages for each operation
8.7.3 File conversion operation
8.7.4 File replication operation
8.7.5 File or folder deletion operation
8.7.6 File compression operation
8.7.7 File expansion operation
8.7.8 Managing files and folders used for each operation
8.8 File access using the work folder and common folder
8.8.1 File access using the work folder
8.8.2 File access using the common folder
8.9 Scope of FTP integration
8.9.1 Commands supported in FTP integration
8.9.2 Specification method for transfer commands
8.9.3 Points to be considered on using FTP integration
8.10 Flow of development in the FTP integration system
8.11 Design for troubleshooting
8.11.1 Overview of error design
8.11.2 Timer design
8.11.3 Transaction design
8.11.4 Troubleshooting design

A. TP1/Client/J Function
A.1 Remote procedure call
A.2 Transaction control
A.3 TCP/IP communication function
A.4 Function for receiving one-way communication from server
A.5 TP1/Web connection function
A.6 Function for changing dynamic definition
A.7 TCP/IP connection establishment monitoring function
A.8 Function for connecting to DCCM3
A.9 XA resource services function
A.10 Troubleshooting function
A.11 Data compression function
A.12 Source host specification function
A.13 Function for fixing reception port
A.14 Host switching function
B. TP1/Client/J definition
B.1 Overview of TP1/Client/J definition
B.2 TP1/Client/J environment definition details
C. Troubleshooting of TP1/Client/J
C.1 Output contents of trace file
C.2 UAP trace
C.3 Data trace
C.4 Error trace
C.5 Method trace
C.6 Debug trace
C.7 Performance analysis trace
D. Glossary
