uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


2.12.5 Managing the mail adapter timer

This subsection provides an overview of managing the mail adapter timer, and describes how to set timeout values.

You can set reconnection timeout and exclusive management timeout in the mail adapter. Each timeout value can be set in the mail adapter runtime environment property file. For details about the mail adapter runtime environment property file, see Mail adapter runtime environment property file in the Service Platform Reference Guide.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Reconnection timeout
(2) Exclusive management timeout

(1) Reconnection timeout

If the mail server goes down or if a network error occurs during connection to the mail server or during email sending, the mail adapter retries to connect to the mail server until the mail server connection timeout expires. You can also set the email send timeout, which is the time that can elapse before email sending fails.

The following table shows the parameters you can set.

Table 2-15 Mail server connection timeout and email sending timeout settings

Value Key name Default value
Mail server connection timeout (seconds) mailadp.smtp.connectiontimeout 180
Email sending timeout (seconds) mailadp.smtp.timeout 180

(2) Exclusive management timeout

When sending an email message with an attachment, if you access the path to an attachment in the common folder specified in the request message, a shared lock is set for the specified file.

A shared lock is not set if you specify the work folder in the request message or if you access the path to a file specified in the mail adapter runtime environment property file.

For exclusive management timeout, you can set the lock retry frequency and the retry interval used if the mail adapter fails to acquire the shared lock.

The retry status that exists when the mail adapter fails to acquire the shared lock is output to the maintenance log. For details about the maintenance log, see 7.3.1 How to acquire log or trace output by Cosminexus Service Platform in the Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide.

The following table shows the parameters you can set.

Table 2-16 Exclusive management timeout settings

Value Key name Default value
Lock retry frequency mailadp.read-lock.retry.count 0
Lock retry interval (seconds) mailadp.read-lock.retry.interval 1