uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


2.12.4 Mail information that can be set on the mail adapter

For the mail adapter, information required for sending an email message can be set in a request message or the mail adapter runtime environment property file. If information is specified in both the request message and the mail adapter runtime environment property file, the request message has priority.

The following table shows the mail information that you can set in the mail adapter.

Table 2-14 Mail information that you can set

Category Subcategory Settings
Address Address type Specify the address type (TO, CC, or BCC), and the email address to be specified as the destination.
Email subject -- Specify the subject of the email message.
Body of the email message Contents of the email body You can use either of the following ways to set the body of the email message:
  • Directly enter the email body
  • Specify the path to the file containing the email body
Email format Specify the format of the email message.
The mail adapter supports the following formats:
  • Text
  • HTML
  • XML
Encode Specify the encoding used when sending the email message.
If you do not specify any encoding, ISO-2022-JP is used.
Character set If you set the body of the email message by reading a file containing the email text, you can specify the character set of the text.
If you do not specify a character set, UTF-8 is used.
Attachment -- Specify the path to the file to be attached to the email message.
Mail header -- Specify the user-defined mail header options, such as the precedence of email and whether to send a response request.

--: No applicable

For details about the items you can set in a request message, see the description of adpmail_smtp_request.xsd (request message format file) in 3.3.12 Defining mail adapters in the Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide. For details about the items you can set in the mail adapter runtime environment property file, see Mail adapter runtime environment property file in the Service Platform Reference Guide.