uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


2.12.6 Authentication when sending email messages from the mail adapter

This subsection describes how to specify SMTP authentication when sending email messages from the mail adapter, and how to set a user name and password necessary for authentication.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Specifying SMTP authentication
(2) Setting the user name and password

(1) Specifying SMTP authentication

Two types of SMTP authentication exist: LOGIN and PLAIN.

The user name and password specified in the mail adapter account definition file are used for authentication.

The user is not authenticated when sending an email message.

You can set the authentication type in either a request message or the mail adapter runtime environment property file. For a request message, specify with the <mail-auth> tag. For the mail adapter runtime environment property file, specify with the mailadp.smtp.auth key.

For details about the items you can set in a request message, see the description of adpmail_smtp_request.xsd (request message format file) in 3.3.12 Defining mail adapters in the Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide. For details about the items you can set in the mail adapter runtime environment property file, see Mail adapter runtime environment property file in the Service Platform Reference Guide.

If information is specified in both the request message and the mail adapter runtime environment property file, the request message has priority.

If information is not specified in the request message or the mail adapter runtime environment property file, PLAN authentication is used for sending an email message.

(2) Setting the user name and password

The user name and password necessary for LOGIN authentication can be set by using a request message or property file. The following describes how to set the user name and password.

User name
You can set the user name in a request message or the mail adapter runtime environment property file.
For a request message, specify with the <mail-user> tag. For the mail adapter runtime environment property file, specify with the mailadp.user key.

Use the csmmailaddusr command to add the password for the user name in the mail adapter account definition file.