uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


2.13 Connecting to client using HTTP communication

You can use HTTP reception to invoke a business process by using HTTP communication from HTTP client.

If you use HTTP reception when there is a request for connection from a mobile terminal and Web browser to a service platform, invoke a business process directly and not through Web front system and SOAP reception.

While using HTTP reception, connect from HTTP client to HTTP reception using IPv4.
Organization of this section
2.13.1 Invoking a service component using HTTP reception
2.13.2 Example of online system using HTTP reception
2.13.3 Example of HTTP reception configuration
2.13.4 HTTP reception request process
2.13.5 HTTP reception response process
2.13.6 Managing HTTP request files
2.13.7 Encoding and decoding HTTP requests and HTTP responses
2.13.8 Transactions to be performed while using HTTP reception
2.13.9 Managing HTTP reception timer
2.13.10 Points to be considered when using HTTP reception