uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


2.13.6 Managing HTTP request files

This section describes file management when file data is transferred in HTTP reception.

If HTTP reception receives file data, output the received data as an intermediate file in the working folder. To download the file during response, the user sends the intermediate file in the working folder specified in the response message (header) to each client.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Creating and deleting working folders
(2) Creating and deleting temporary files
(3) Setting maximum size of HTTP request
(4) Points to be considered related to path length

(1) Creating and deleting working folders

The working folder temporarily stores data transferred by HTTP reception.

(a) Creating a working folder

When HTTP request is received from HTTP client, HTTP reception creates a working folder for each request.

You can set the directory creating the working folder (working folder root) in work-folder property of HCSC server runtime definition file. For details, see "HCSC server runtime definition file" in "Service Platform Reference Guide" .

When HTTP request is received from HTTP client, HTTP reception also generates a request ID for each request. The business process is processed by specifying the generated request ID.

Request ID is generated in the following format:

<Reception ID><HTTP client IP address><Date><Time><Additional number><Partition key><HCSC server name>

The following table describes each request ID item:

Table 2-28 Item of request ID

Item Number of digits Contents
<Reception ID> 8 digits Reception ID of HTTP reception. If reception ID is less than 8 digits, "-" is set for the missing part on the right of reception ID.
<HTTP client IP address> 12 digits IP address of request source HTTP client (10 number notation format of IPv4). If each byte of IP address is less than 3 digits, "0" is set for the missing part on the right of each byte.
<Date> 8 digits The date on which the request is received by HTTP reception is set in yyyymmdd format.
<Time> 9 digits The time at which the request is received by HTTP reception is set in hhmmssSSS format.
<Additional number> 3 digits Integer value for a unique folder name is set in serial numbers from "000". If <Date><Time><Additional number> overlaps an already existing request ID, 1 additional number is raised.
If duplication occurs with an integer value between "001" and "999", change <Date> and <Time> and set "000" in the additional number.
<Partition key> 1 digit Partition key showing that HCSC server name is added. Single-byte slash (/) is used.
<HCSC server name> Maximum 8 digits Name of HCSC server in which HTTP reception is deployed. If HCSC server name is less than 8 digits, the missing part is not replaced.

Character strings excluding <Reception ID>, <Partition key>, <HCSC server name> from request ID become name of a working folder.

Reference note
Working folder is not created in default status for HTTP requests other than multi-part type. However, you can always set the option to create working folders regardless of multi-part type or not in HTTP response in order to download files in HTTP response for HTTP requests other than multi-part type. You can enable these settings in httprecp.switchover.file-transfer.mode property of HTTP reception definition file.
(b) Deleting a working folder

The working folder and intermediate files in the working folder are automatically deleted, if all the following conditions are met:

If the process terminates abnormally and the business process is re-executed by cscpireexec command (process instance is re-executed), the working folder and intermediate files in the working folder are not deleted automatically. If the working folder is not deleted automatically, you must delete it using either of the following methods:

(2) Creating and deleting temporary files

While sending file data in HTTP request, a temporary file is created for processing to avoid memory pressure. The folder in which temporary files are stored is always created in the following location when HTTP reception starts:

<Working folder root>\<HCSC server name>\<Reception ID>\<00000000000000000000000000000000>

Temporary files are automatically deleted at the end of the request process. However, temporary files are not deleted in the following cases:
  • If the temporary file is open
  • If J2EE server did not stop normally
  • If the system is down
If a temporary file is not deleted, delete the folder in which temporary files are stored using cscfswrm command. Delete the folder in which temporary files are stored after stopping HTTP reception. If you delete it when HTTP reception is running, error occurs in all HTTP requests sending file data.

If output in the temporary file is not required in cases such as when small-sized data is sent, you can also set the threshold value of the size for whether to output each part of multi-part type in the temporary file. You can set this threshold value in httprecp.file-trans.temp-file.partsize-threshold property of HTTP reception definition file.

(3) Setting maximum size of HTTP request

You can set the maximum size in multi-part type HTTP request to prevent large-sized invalid data from being sent. If HTTP request size exceeds the maximum, request processing is cancelled and error returns in HTTP client.

You can set the maximum size for the following items:

(4) Points to be considered related to path length

If there are restrictions in path length due to OS, set a suitable length of a working folder root path. The following table describes each path length:

Table 2-29 Length of working folder root path

Item Path length
Working folder root Set in working-folder property of HCSC server runtime definition file.
HCSC server name Maximum 8 digits.
Reception ID Maximum 8 digits.
Working folder name Fixed at 32 digits.
Intermediate file Maximum 23 digits.
Name of the folder in which temporary files are stored Fixed at 32 digits.
Temporary file Maximum 53.