uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


2.13.1 Invoking a service component using HTTP reception

HTTP requests sent from Web browser used as HTTP client are received in HTTP reception through Web server. After that, HTTP request is transformed to a request message (service component invocation request) and the service component is invoked in a business process.

During response, the response message in the business process is transformed to HTTP response format in HTTP reception and response returns to Web browser.

The following figure shows service component invocation request and response using HTTP reception:

Figure 2-70 Flow of service component invocation request and response using HTTP reception


Methods supported in HTTP reception
HTTP reception supports the following 2 methods:
GET method
This method is for passing query string information from HTTP client to the service platform and for downloading text data and file data.
POST method
This method is for sending text data from HTTP client to the service platform and for uploading file data. You can also receive text data as a response and download file data.

HTTP client and Web server supported by HTTP reception
The Web server and HTTP client supported in HTTP reception are described here.
Web server
Web server operating in Component Container compliant with HTTP 1.1 is supported.
HTTP client
The HTTP client supported by the above mentioned Web server is supported.