uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.4.5 Creating the work folder and intermediate files

To transfer the file data between business processes, the FTP reception creates an intermediate file to temporarily store the file data and list information sent from the FTP client. The intermediate file is stored in a work folder that is generated by the FTP reception for each request.

Set up the directory for creating the work folder in the work-folder property of the HCSC server runtime definition file. For details, see "HCSC server runtime definition file " in "Service Platform Reference Guide".

Note that the work folder and the intermediate files stored in the work folder are deleted when the following conditions are fulfilled:

If the above conditions are not fulfilled, or if the process terminates abnormally and the business process is re-executed with a command such as the cscpireexec command (re-execution of the process instance), the work folder and intermediate files in the work folder are not deleted automatically. If the FTP reception cannot delete the work folder, delete the work folder and intermediate files as follows:

If the value of the urecp-ftp.work-dir.auto-delete property in the FTP reception definition file is "false"
Invoke the file operations adapter in the final processing executed by the business process and then delete the work folder and intermediate files, or reference the work folder with the cscfswls command, check whether you want to delete that work folder, and then delete the work folder with the cscfswrm command.

If the value of the urecp-ftp.work-dir.auto-delete property in the FTP reception definition file is "true"
Reference the work folder with the cscfswls command, check whether you want to delete that work folder, and then delete the work folder with the cscfswrm command.

For details, see "cscfswls (Referencing the work folder)" or "cscfswrm (Deleting the work folder)" in "Service Platform Reference Guide".