uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.4.4 Generating the request ID

When the FTP reception receives a request from the FTP client, the FTP reception generates a request ID for each request. The business process is executed by specifying the generated request ID.

The request ID is generated in the following format:

<Reception ID><IP address of FTP client><Date><Time><Serial number><Partition key><HCSC server name>

The following table describes the items in the request ID:

Table 8-3 Items in the request ID

Item Number of digits Content
<Reception ID> 8 digits This is the reception ID specified in the FTP reception settings. If the reception ID is less than 8 digits, "-" (hyphens) are specified to the right side of the reception ID for the missing digits.
<IP address of FTP client> 12 digits This is the IP address of FTP client that sends the request. If each byte of the IP address is less than 3 digits, "0" is specified to the left side of each byte for the missing digits.
<Date> 8 digits The date on which the FTP reception received the request is set up in the yyyymmdd format.
  • yyyy: Year
  • mm: Month
  • dd: Day
<Time> 9 digits The time at which the FTP reception received the request is set up in the hhmmssSSS format.
  • hh: Hours
  • mm: Minutes
  • ss: Seconds
  • SSS: Milliseconds
<Serial number> 3 digits An integer value is set up sequentially from "000" to make the folder name unique. If <Date><Time><Serial number> is duplicated with an existing request ID, the serial number moves up by one.
If the values are duplicated even after specifying an integer value from "001" to "999", change the <Date> and <Time>, and set the serial number to "000".
<Partition key> 1 digit This is a partition key indicating that the HCSC server name has been added. A single-byte forward slash (/) is used.
<HCSC server name> Maximum 8 digits This is the name of the HCSC server deployed by the FTP reception. If the HCSC server name is less than 8 digits, the shortfall is not supplemented.