uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.4.3 Transactions when FTP reception is used

The FTP inbound adapter does not contain information that is carried over into the subsequent FTP reception processing using transactions. Therefore, a new transaction, which is different from the transaction for the FTP inbound adapter, is started in the FTP reception. However, a new transaction, which is further different from the FTP reception, is started in the business process.

The new transaction start timing differs when the FTP reception timeout is monitored and the timeout is not monitored.

For details on the monitoring of FTP reception timeout, see "8.4.9 Monitoring a timeout".

Organization of this subsection
(1) FTP reception transactions (When the timeout is not monitored)
(2) FTP reception transactions (When the timeout is monitored)

(1) FTP reception transactions (When the timeout is not monitored)

The following figure shows the FTP reception transactions when a business process is invoked without monitoring the FTP reception timeout:

Figure 8-11 FTP reception transactions (When the timeout is not monitored)


Note that when files are transferred to the server by using an FTP adapter in the business process, and if an error occurs in the processing of the business process after the transfer of files to the server is complete, the transaction is rolled back, and an error is returned to the FTP client. However, the status of the server-side files remains as is after transfer, and does not return to the pre-transfer status.

(2) FTP reception transactions (When the timeout is monitored)

When the FTP reception timeout is monitored, the business process is invoked with a different thread, so a new transaction starts in HCSC message delivery control. The following figure shows the FTP reception transactions when a business process is invoked with FTP reception timeout monitoring:

Figure 8-12 FTP reception transactions (When the timeout is monitored)


The transaction started in the HCSC message delivery control is monitored with the transaction timeout value for the J2EE server. For details on the transaction timeout settings, see "8.6.4 Setting up a transaction timeout" in "Application Server System Design Guide".

It is recommended that when you set up the timeout value for an FTP reception; specify a value that is greater than the transaction timeout value for the J2EE server.