uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.4.9 Monitoring a timeout

By specifying the timeout value in urecp-ftp.request-timeout in the FTP reception configuration file, you can monitor the processing time from the passing of the request message to the business process until the return of the response message. If the response does not return even after the lapse of the specified time, a timeout exception occurs as an error.

Note that by default, the FTP reception timeout is not monitored.

When you monitor the timeout in the FTP reception, threads are generated for each FTP reception in the HCSC message delivery control. Among the threads used for timeout monitoring, you can specify the number of threads, which are generated and are resident (number of resident threads) when the reception starts, in the urecp-ftp.resident-thread.count property of the FTP reception configuration file.

If the FTP reception receives tasks exceeding the number of resident threads, additional threads are temporarily generated for processing the tasks. The additionally generated threads stand by for 300 seconds after the tasks are processed, and are destroyed if the next task does not arrive.

You can specify the maximum number of threads, generated for monitoring the FTP reception timeout (number of resident threads + number of additionally generated threads), in the urecp-ftp.timer-thread.maximum property of the FTP reception configuration file. Note that if you specify the same value for the number of resident threads and maximum number of threads, additional threads are not generated.

For details on the properties you can specify in the FTP reception configuration file, see "FTP reception configuration file " in "Service Platform Reference Guide".