uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.4.8 Executing the LIST and NLST commands by specifying list command options

If argument options for the LIST or NLST command are defined in the list command options definition file in advance, you can execute a list command by specifying argument options.

The following shows the execution format of commands with argument options specified.

For details about the list command options definition file, see List command options definition file in the Service Platform Reference Guide.

The list command options definition file can be stored in any path using any file name. Note that the absolute path of the list command options definition file must be specified in the FTP reception configuration file.

For details about the FTP reception configuration file, see FTP reception configuration file in the Service Platform Reference Guide.

If argument options are specified in the list command options definition file, when an FTP client executes a list command, information specified in the list command arguments is separated into <option> and <path> as defined in this definition file. Then, each piece of information is set in <getinfo-option> and <getinfo-path> in the request message of the GETINFO operation.

If no argument option is specified in the list command options definition file, all information specified in the list command arguments is set in <getinfo-path> as <path> information. This also applies if a path to the command options definition file is not specified in the FTP reception configuration file.

If you change the settings of the list command options definition file, you need to restart the FTP reception associated with this file to enable the changes.