uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.4.7 Managing FTP commands executed before and after transfer and list

By executing the SITE CSCTHR command, you can set up the FTP commands to be executed in a business process before executing the transfer commands, after executing the transfer commands, before executing the list commands, or after executing the list commands. If the FTP client executes the SITE CSCTHR command before executing the transfer commands or list commands, the information specified in the SITE CSCTHR command is passed to the business process along with the information of the FTP commands executed thereafter.

The execution format of the SITE CSCTHR command is as follows:

Execution format
SITE CSCTHR {-B|-A} <FTP command>[;<FTP command> ...]
Apart from the FTP commands, to specify commands that are independently supported by the FTP server, specify the SITE command in the <FTP command> part as follows, and then specify the command in the argument of the SITE command:
SITE CSCTHR {-B|-A} SITE <Commands independently supported by the FTP server>
Furthermore, by specifying -B or -A in the option, you can set up whether to execute the specified FTP command before executing the transfer command/ list command, or whether to execute the specified FTP command after executing the transfer command/ list command.
Operations when the -B option is used
The FTP command specified in the "<FTP command>[;<FTP command> ...]" part is set up in the <ftp-commands-before> tag of the request message of the FTP reception. An FTP command specified in this format is executed before the transfer command or list command is executed. If the SITE CSCTHR command is executed multiple times in this format, the "<FTP command>[;<FTP command> ...]" part is added to the <ftp-commands-before> tag, linked with semicolons (;), in the sequence in which the SITE CSCTHR commands are executed.
Operations when the -A option is used
The FTP command specified in the "<FTP command>[;<FTP command> ...]" part is set up in the <ftp-commands-after> tag of the request message of the FTP reception. An FTP command specified in this format is executed after the transfer command or list command is executed. If the SITE CSCTHR command is executed multiple times in this format, the "<FTP command>[;<FTP command> ...]" part is added to the <ftp-commands-after> tag, linked with semicolons (;), in the sequence in which the SITE CSCTHR commands are executed.

You can specify and manage the commands, which can be executed in the business process before and after executing the transfer commands and before and after executing the list commands, in the FTP command permission list definition file (for FTP receptions). The FTP commands that are not specified in the FTP command permission list definition file (for FTP receptions) are not added to the <ftp-commands-before> tag, or <ftp-commands-after> tag of the request message of the FTP reception even if such FTP commands are included in the SITE CSCTHR commands. In such a case, the business process is not invoked, so an error occurs.

Note that you can store the FTP command permission list definition file (for FTP receptions) in any folder with any file name, but you must specify the absolute path of the FTP command permission list definition file (for FTP receptions) in the FTP reception configuration file. If the absolute path of the FTP command permission list definition file (for FTP receptions) is not specified in the FTP reception configuration file, all the FTP commands are prohibited execution in the business process.

If you change the contents of the FTP command permission list definition file (for FTP receptions), you must restart the FTP reception that is using the changed FTP command permission list definition file (for FTP receptions).

For defined contents that you can edit in the FTP command permission list definition file (for FTP receptions), see "FTP command permission list definition file " in "Service Platform Reference Guide".