uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.4.2 Communication model and business processes that can be used with FTP receptions

This subsection describes the types of communication models and business processes that can be used with FTP receptions.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Communication model that can be used with FTP receptions
(2) Business processes that can be used with FTP receptions

(1) Communication model that can be used with FTP receptions

The communication model that can be used with an FTP reception is synchronous communication.

(2) Business processes that can be used with FTP receptions

The two types of business processes that can be associated with an FTP reception are synchronous and asynchronous business processes. The following table describes the features of each business process:

Table 8-2 Features of the business processes

Business process type Features Remarks
Synchronous A business process invoked from an FTP reception, but which returns a response after the target processing is complete. No activity is executed after a response is returned. You can use this business process regardless of the operation type and file integration method.
Asynchronous A business process invoked from an FTP reception, but which returns a response before the target processing is complete. Activities are executed after a response is returned. From among the business processes, this processing is executed asynchronously (processing executed after returning a response to the FTP reception), and you cannot execute the processing related to the GET operation and GETINFO operation.