uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.4.1 Operations and FTP commands supported in an FTP reception

In an FTP reception, the unit of operations for a file is called an operation.

The following types of operations are supported in an FTP reception:

PUT operation
This operation transfers files from an FTP client to an FTP server.

GET operation
This operation transfers files from an FTP server to an FTP client.

GETINFO operation
This operation obtains the file list information of an FTP server and sends this information to the FTP client.

These operations are invoked from the FTP inbound adapter when an FTP client invokes an FTP command for the FTP inbound adapter.

  • Do not define multiple FTP receptions specifying the GETINFO operation for one FTP inbound adapter.
  • When you associate multiple FTP receptions for one business process, select the same operation in all these FTP receptions. The operation is not guaranteed if you define multiple FTP receptions with different operations for one business process.
Organization of this subsection
(1) Types of operations and FTP commands supported in an FTP reception
(2) Execution format and points to be considered on the FTP commands

(1) Types of operations and FTP commands supported in an FTP reception

The following table describes the FTP commands supported in an FTP reception:

Table 8-1 FTP commands supported in an FTP reception

FTP command Usage Operation of the invoked FTP reception
STOR To accumulate the file contents in a server-side file. If a file already exists on the server, the existing file content is overwritten. PUT operation
APPE To accumulate the file contents in a server-side file. If a file already exists on the server, the transferred data is added to the existing file.
RETR Obtains the replication of a file existing on the server-side. GET operation
LIST Obtains the list of file information existing on the server-side. GETINFO operation
NLST Obtains the list of names of files existing on the server-side.
SITE CSCTHR Sets up the FTP commands to be executed in a business process before and after the transfer commands and before and after the list commands.
If you execute this command before the FTP client executes the transfer commands or list commands, the information specified with this command along with the information of the transfer commands or list commands executed thereafter, is passed to the business process.

--: No operation is invoked.

(2) Execution format and points to be considered on the FTP commands

The execution format and points to be considered on the FTP commands are as follows:

Execution format
<FTP command> /<Reception ID of FTP reception>/<Remote file path>

Points to be considered
  • Make sure that you specify a forward slash (/) as the sign specified at the beginning of the reception ID of an FTP reception and the separation character specified for the remote file path. For details on the format of the reception ID of an FTP reception, see "8.4.4 Generating the request ID".
  • For the restrictions on the specification of arguments for the transfer commands, follow the FTP protocol specifications.