uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.4 FTP reception functionality

This section provides an overview of the purpose of an FTP reception, and using an FTP reception to send and receive files.

An FTP reception is an interface that invokes the business processes by receiving a connection from the FTP client via the FTP inbound adapter, and which mediates the file data and list information that is sent and received between the FTP client and business processes.

By performing operations in integration with the file operations adapter and FTP adapter that is invoked from the business process, you can transfer files between the FTP client and FTP server via the business process, and obtain the list information of files.

The following figure shows the procedure of FTP integration using an FTP reception, taking the example of transferring files to the FTP server:

Figure 8-10 Procedure of FTP integration using an FTP reception


Organization of this section
8.4.1 Operations and FTP commands supported in an FTP reception
8.4.2 Communication model and business processes that can be used with FTP receptions
8.4.3 Transactions when FTP reception is used
8.4.4 Generating the request ID
8.4.5 Creating the work folder and intermediate files
8.4.6 Business process access control
8.4.7 Managing FTP commands executed before and after transfer and list
8.4.8 Executing the LIST and NLST commands by specifying list command options
8.4.9 Monitoring a timeout