uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.6.1 Flow of FTP adapter processing

This subsection describes the flow of processing during the FTP adapter-based sending and receiving of files.

The following figure shows the flow of FTP adapter processing when execution requests are received from a business process:

Figure 8-23 Flow of FTP adapter processing


  1. The FTP adapter is invoked on receiving an execution request from the business process. At this time, the file transfer information is stored in the request message and passed to the FTP adapter.
  2. The FTP adapter that receives the request message executes processing such as connection or authentication, transfer commands, list commands, and disconnection for the FTP server.
  3. After the invocation of the FTP server is complete, the FTP adapter sets the results in a response message, and returns the message to the business process.
    If an error occurs, the FTP adapter returns a system exception instead of the response message.