uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.6.2 Executing the FTP commands

This subsection describes the types, execution conditions, and timer management of the FTP commands executed by the FTP adapter, as the FTP adapter functionality.

After receiving an execution request from the business process, the FTP adapter executes FTP commands, such as authentication or connection, and transfer commands, for the FTP server in accordance with the conditions.

The following table describes the types and execution conditions of the FTP commands executed by the FTP adapter:

Table 8-5 Types of FTP commands and executability of the commands

Classification FTP command Executability of the command
Connection or authentication (connect processing) M
Protection levels PBSZ A#3
Transfer parameters TYPE A#2
Checking file size SITE FSIZE A#5
Commands before and after transfer, and commands before and after list #6 MDTM, SIZE, STAT, DELE, MKD, XMKD, RMD, XRMD, PWD, XPWD, CDUP, XCUP, CWD, XCWD, NOOP, SITE, RNFR, RNTO A#7
Transfer or information acquisition STOR, APPE, RETR, LIST, NLST Y#2
Disconnect QUIT M

M: Must be executed. Invoke
Y: Any one is executed.
A: Depends on the conditions.

Executed when FTPS is used, and the mode is the Explicit mode. For details on the FTPS-related settings, see "Appendix H.1 Secure connection using FTPS (FTP adapter)" in "Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide".

The command is executed depending on the specified request message format. For details on the execution conditions, see "3.3.10 Defining an FTP adapter" in "Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide".

Executed when FTPS is used.

Depends on the settings in the ftpadp.pasvport property of the FTP-adapter execution-environment property file. For details on the FTP-adapter execution -environment property file, see "FTP-adapter execution-environment property file " in "Service Platform Reference Guide".

For details on the execution conditions of the SITE FSIZE command, see "8.6.4 Checking the file size after sending and receiving files".

This command is executed before or after executing the file transfer commands, or before or after executing the list commands.

These commands are executed when execution is specified in the <ftp-commands-before> tag and <ftp-commands-after> tag of the request message format.

The specifications of the FTP commands executed by the FTP adapter comply with RFC959, RFC2228, and RFC3659. However, there are differences in functionality in the RFC specifications and FTP adapter specifications for the following commands:
  • TYPE
    You cannot specify EBCDIC for the TYPE command of the FTP adapter.
  • MODE
    You cannot specify the block mode for the MODE command of the FTP adapter.
  • LIST
    You can specify options in the command arguments. However, the destination FTP server must support the specification of options.
  • NLST
    You can specify options in the command arguments. However, the destination FTP server must support the specification of options.