uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.6 FTP adapter functionality

This section describes the role of an FTP adapter, and the procedure of sending and receiving files using an FTP adapter.

An FTP adapter is a service adapter that is used for sending and receiving files between an FTP server and Service Platform.

In a system using FTP integration, an FTP adapter is required for each FTP server you want to connect to, in order to send and receive files between the FTP client and FTP server.

The following figure shows the procedure of sending and receiving files using an FTP adapter:

Figure 8-22 Procedure of sending and receiving files using an FTP adapter


The following is a description of the flow of control and data in the figure:

When transferring files from an FTP server to an FTP client (GET operation)
If you execute the file acquisition command from the FTP client, the command execution request is delivered to the FTP reception via the FTP inbound adapter. Thereafter, the business process is started and the FTP adapter is invoked from the business process.
The FTP adapter, which receives the execution request from the business process, connects to the FTP server and sends the file to the FTP client.

When transferring files from an FTP client to an FTP server (PUT operation)
If you execute the file transmission command from the FTP client, the command execution request is delivered to the FTP adapter in the same way as in the GET operation. Thereafter, the FTP adapter connects to the FTP server, and sends the files from the FTP client to the FTP server.

When obtaining the file list information of the FTP server and sending the information to the FTP client (GETINFO operation)
If you execute the information acquisition command (LIST command or NLST command) from the FTP client, the list of information on the files existing on the FTP server or the list of file names is obtained in accordance with the executed command.

For details on the procedure of sending and receiving files in the entire FTP integration system, see "8.3 Examples of file transfer patterns using FTP integration".

Organization of this section
8.6.1 Flow of FTP adapter processing
8.6.2 Executing the FTP commands
8.6.3 Folder specification used for sending and receiving files
8.6.4 Checking the file size after sending and receiving files
8.6.5 Timer management