uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.6.5 Timer management

This subsection describes the timer management functionality of the FTP adapter, and the method of setting up the timeout value.

In the FTP adapter, you can set up the following timeout:

  1. Timeout in establishing a control connection
  2. FTP command reply timeout
  3. Timeout in obtaining the lock
  4. Timeout in establishing a data connection
  5. Timeout in data transfer or acquisition
  6. Listen timeout

You can specify each timeout value in the FTP-adapter execution-environment property file.

For details on the FTP-adapter execution-environment property file, see "FTP-adapter execution-environment property file " in "Service Platform Reference Guide".

Organization of this subsection
(1) Timeout in establishing a control connection
(2) FTP command reply timeout
(3) Timeout in obtaining the lock
(4) Timeout in establishing a data connection
(5) Timeout in data transfer or acquisition
(6) Listen timeout

(1) Timeout in establishing a control connection

The execution of commands between the FTP adapter and FTP server and its response are communicated by establishing a control connection.

If there is a request to establish a control connection from the FTP adapter, and the connection cannot be established because of errors such as other party busy, the connection processing is retried for the specified count at the specified interval. When the connection processing is retried, the retry status is output to the maintenance log.

The following table describes the parameters to be set up:

Table 8-6 Settings for timeout in establishing a control connection

Value Key name Default value
Retry count for establishing a control connection (times) ftpadp.control-con.retry.count 5
Retry interval for establishing a control connection (seconds) ftpadp.control-con.retry.interval 2
Timeout value for establishing one control connection (seconds) ftpadp.control-con.connect.timeout 10

The timeout value is obtained with the following formula using the values specified for these parameters:

(Timeout value for establishing one control connection + Retry interval for establishing a control connection) x Retry count for establishing a control connection

(2) FTP command reply timeout

If there is no response even after the specified time elapses after issuing an FTP command from the FTP adapter, an exception is thrown. By setting up the FTP command reply timeout, you can set up the time until the exception is thrown.

The following table describes the parameters to be set up:

Table 8-7 Settings for FTP command reply timeout

Value Key name Default value (seconds)
FTP command reply timeout value ftpadp.ftp-command-reply.timeout 60

(3) Timeout in obtaining the lock

When you transfer a file from the common folder to the FTP server with the PUT operation, a shared lock is set up for the file in the common folder.

Furthermore, when you obtain the file from the common folder with the GET operation, a dedicated lock is set up for the file in the common folder.

When the shared lock or dedicated lock is being set up and if the settings fail due to a conflict with other processes, the lock acquisition processing is retried for the specified count at the specified interval. The timeout value is obtained by adding the product of the retry interval and retry count to the file access time for obtaining each lock.

The following table describes the parameters to be set up:

Table 8-8 Settings for timeout in obtaining the lock

Value Key name Default value
Shared lock retry count (times) ftpadp.read-lock.retry.count 0
Shared lock retry interval (seconds) ftpadp.read-lock.retry.interval 1
Dedicated lock retry count (times) ftpadp.write-lock.retry.count 0
Dedicated lock retry interval (seconds) ftpadp.write-lock.retry.interval 1

When the file is output to the common folder with the GETINFO operation, and if a file with the same name already exists, the file is overwritten. If the file with the same name is being used in another process, the processing is retried at the timeout value specified in the dedicated lock retry count and dedicated lock retry interval.

(4) Timeout in establishing a data connection

The transfer of data between the FTP adapter and FTP server is communicated by establishing a data connection.

In the case of the PASV connection mode, if there is a request to establish a data connection and the connection cannot be established due to errors such as other party busy, the connection processing is retried for the specified count at the specified interval. When the connection processing is retried, the retry status is output to the maintenance log.

In the case of the PORT connection mode, the timeout in establishing a data connection depends on the FTP server specifications; therefore, you cannot specify the timeout in the FTP adapter.

The following table describes the parameters to be set up:

Table 8-9 Settings for timeout in establishing a data connection

Value Key name Default value
Retry count for establishing a data connection in the PASV mode (times) ftpadp.data-con.retry.count 5
Retry interval for establishing a data connection in the PASV mode (seconds) ftpadp.data-con.retry. interval 2
Timeout value for establishing one data connection (seconds) ftpadp.data-con.connect.timeout 10

The timeout value is obtained with the following formula using the values specified for these parameters:

(Timeout value for establishing one data connection + Retry interval for establishing a data connection in the PASV mode) x Retry count for establishing a data connection in the PASV mode

(5) Timeout in data transfer or acquisition

If data transfer or list data acquisition is not complete even after the specified time elapses after executing a data transfer command or list command from the FTP adapter, an exception is thrown. By setting up data transfer timeout and data acquisition timeout, you can specify the time until the exception is thrown.

When this exception occurs, the local files and remote files are handled as follows:

The following table describes the parameters to be set up:

Table 8-10 Settings for timeout in data transfer or acquisition

Value Key name Default value (seconds)
Data transfer timeout value ftpadp.data-con-put.timeout 60
Data acquisition timeout value ftpadp.data-con-get.timeout 60

(6) Listen timeout

When the connection mode is the PORT mode, after the FTP adapter receives the response of the PORT command, if the server does not make a data connection establishment request in the Listen state in the given period of time, an exception is thrown. By setting up the Listen timeout, you can specify the time until the exception is thrown.

The following table describes the parameters to be set up:

Table 8-11 Settings for Listen timeout

Value Key name Default value (seconds)
Listen timeout value ftpadp.listen.timeout 60