uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.7 File operations adapter functionality

This section describes the configuration of the file operations adapter and the supported operations.

The file operations adapter is an adapter that is used for performing file operations such as layout conversion, character code conversion, replication, deletion, compression, and un-compression for files generated by using programs such as the FTP program. In the file operations adapter, the unit of file operations is called as operation.

When you use FTP integration, you must define a file operations adapter for each operation by using the FTP reception and FTP adapter.

The following figure shows the configuration of a file operations adapter:

Figure 8-24 Configuration of a file operations adapter


Organization of this section
8.7.1 Operations supported by the file operations adapter
8.7.2 Request and response messages for each operation
8.7.3 File conversion operation
8.7.4 File replication operation
8.7.5 File or folder deletion operation
8.7.6 File compression operation
8.7.7 File expansion operation
8.7.8 Managing files and folders used for each operation