uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.7.5 File or folder deletion operation

This subsection describes the functionality and file formats supported in the file or folder deletion operation.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Overview of functionality of the file or folder deletion operation
(2) Supported file formats
(3) Deleting a work folder

(1) Overview of functionality of the file or folder deletion operation

The file or folder deletion operation performs the following processing:

The following figure shows an overview of processing of the file or folder deletion operation.

Figure 8-38 Processing of the file or folder deletion operation


(2) Supported file formats

The file deletion operation can be used with any format of input and output files. Any file in a common folder can be deleted.

(3) Deleting a work folder

The folder deletion operation deletes the created work folder based on the request ID specified in the request message. All files and folders in the target work folder will be deleted.