uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.7.7 File expansion operation

This subsection describes the functionality and file formats supported in the file expansion operation.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Overview of functionality of the file expansion operation
(2) Supported file formats

(1) Overview of functionality of the file expansion operation

The file expansion operation reads the expansion source input file from a work folder or common folder, and then writes the expanded output file to the work folder or common folder.

The following figure shows an overview of processing of the file expansion operation.

Figure 8-40 Processing of the file expansion operation


(2) Supported file formats

The table below shows the file formats supported in the file expansion operation. Expansion of a ZIP file that contains a directory is not supported. If a ZIP file that contains a directory is specified as the input file, an error message (KDEC80123-E) is output and the file expansion operation is canceled.

Table 8-23 File formats supported in the file expansion operation

File format Input file Output file
ZIP format# Y Y
Other than the above N Y

Y: Supported
N: Not supported

Only ZIP format files, compressed by using the DEFLATE compression algorithm, are supported.

The following shows the restrictions on input and output files used for the file expansion operation.

Table 8-24 Restrictions on using the file expansion operation

Item Restriction
Input file name The following symbols cannot be used:
\, /, :
If a file name contains a symbol that cannot be used, an error message (KDEC80022-E) is output and the file expansion operation is canceled.
Output file name Only the following alphanumeric characters and symbols can be used:
  • Alphanumeric characters
    Alphabetic characters (a to z, A to Z) and numbers (0 to 9) can be used.
  • Symbols
    The following symbols cannot be used:
    \, /, :
If the file name contains a character that cannot be used, an error message (KDEC80123-E) is output and the file expansion operation is canceled.
Output file entry name The same restrictions as for the input file name apply.
The output file name is automatically assigned, and uses the prefix of the output file name defined in the request message.
Number of output files The number of output files after expansion must be in the range of 1-999. If this condition is not met, an error message (KDEC80125-E) is output and the file expansion operation is canceled.
Multiple output files can be expanded into a single folder. However, multiple output destination folders cannot be specified.
Input file size The maximum input file size is 4 GB. If the file size exceeds the maximum, an error message (KDEC80126-E) is output and the file expansion operation is canceled.
Output file size The maximum output file size is 4 GB. If the file size exceeds the maximum, an error message (KDEC80127-E) is output and the file compression operation is canceled.