uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.6.4 Checking the file size after sending and receiving files

This subsection describes the functionality for checking the file size after sending and receiving files.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Overview of file size checking
(2) Setting method
(3) Note

(1) Overview of file size checking

If an FTP server uses JP1/File Transmission Server/FTP, you can confirm that the size of files sent and received between the FTP server and an FTP adapter is correct on both the sending side and receiving side.

If a file was corrupted during a transfer but the response code from the FTP adapter indicates that the transfer ended normally, the user cannot see that the file is corrupted. In this case, the FTP adapter compares the file size at the transfer source with the file size at the destination. If the file sizes are different, the FTP adapter returns a system exception (transfer error) to the business process.

Note that if a file is transferred in ASCII mode between OSs for which the number of bytes in the linefeed code is different, the file size changes because the linefeed code is transformed automatically. In this case, however, no error occurs.

For details about the functionality for checking the file size by using JP1/File Transmission Server/FTP, see the manual JP1/File Transmission Server.

(2) Setting method

To enable file size checking, you must specify TRUE for the ftpadp.file-size-check property in the FTP-adapter runtime-environment property file.

For details about the FTP-adapter runtime-environment property file, see FTP-adapter runtime-environment property file in the Service Platform Reference Guide.

(3) Note

If TRUE is specified for the ftpadp.file-size-check property in the FTP-adapter runtime-environment property file when the FTP server does not use JP1/File Transmission Server/FTP, the FTP adapter returns an exception and terminates request processing.