uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.5.2 Monitoring a timeout

A timeout is detected in an FTP inbound adapter if the communication processing does not respond due to an FTP client or network error during communication between the FTP inbound adapter and FTP client, and during the distribution of requests to the FTP reception, and if the file operation processing subsequent to FTP reception takes time.

If a timeout is detected, a message is output and the connection is closed to prevent a decline in the processing performance of the system.

The following figure shows the points at which the timeout is monitored in the FTP inbound adapter, taking the example of file transfer using the Active mode and STOR:

Figure 8-15 Points at which the timeout is monitored in the FTP inbound adapter (Example of file transfer using the Active mode and STOR)


Organization of this subsection
(1) Operations when a timeout occurs
(2) Setting method

(1) Operations when a timeout occurs

This subsection describes the operations when a timeout occurs and the points to be considered for each point.

(a) Idle timeout

Monitors the time from the return of a response from the FTP inbound adapter until the next FTP command is sent from the FTP client, for a control connection.

The following figure shows the procedure of monitoring idle timeout:

Figure 8-16 Procedure of monitoring idle timeout


The operations when the timeout occurs and points to be considered are as follows:

Operations when the timeout occurs
  • A message is output.
  • The control connection that timed out is disconnected.

Points to be considered
The range of idle timeout monitoring during the sending and receiving of data in a data connection is as follows:
  1. Time from the receipt of transfer requests from the FTP client, transition of control to the FTP reception, and until the FTP inbound adapter completes the connection establishment request
  2. Time from completion of sending and receiving of file data (or list data) with the FTP client, transition of control to the FTP reception, and until the FTP inbound adapter returns a transfer completed response
If the total time in 1 and 2 above exceeds the idle timeout monitoring value, an idle timeout occurs. However, the idle timeout occurs after the sending and receiving of data ends (after the transfer completed response is sent).
Note that idle timeout is not monitored for the time from the completion of connection establishment request, until the completion of sending and receiving of the file data (or list data).
The following figures show the idle timeout during data sending, and idle timeout during data receiving in a data connection:

Figure 8-17 Idle timeout during data sending


Figure 8-18 Idle timeout during data receiving

(b) Timeout in establishing a data connection

If the connection method of data connection is the Active mode, the time is monitored from the start to the completion of the establishment of data connection to the FTP client. Specify the monitoring time with the connection monitoring time and retry count. The following figure shows the procedure of monitoring the timeout in establishing a data connection:

Figure 8-19 Procedure of monitoring the timeout in establishing a data connection


The operations when the timeout occurs and points to be considered are as follows:

Operations when the timeout occurs
  • A message is output.
  • The response code "425 can't open data connection." is returned with the control connection.

Points to be considered
If the monitoring time for establishing connection set up in TCP/IP is shorter than the specified monitoring time, a timeout occurs in the monitoring time set up in TCP/IP. Also, even if a timeout occurs in the monitoring time set up in TCP/IP, a connection is retried only for the specified retry count.
(c) Timeout in data reception

The time is monitored from when the file data divided into TCP/IP packets can be received from the FTP client, until the file data divided into TCP/IP packets is sent.

The following figure shows the procedure of monitoring timeout in data reception:

Figure 8-20 Procedure of monitoring timeout in data reception


The operations when the timeout occurs are as follows:

Operations when the timeout occurs
  • A message is output.
  • The data connection where the timeout occurred is disconnected.
  • The response code "551 <File path>: Error on output file." is returned with the control connection.
  • The exception "FileTransferFailedException" is reported to the FTP reception.
(d) Timeout in data transmission

The time is monitored from the start of transmission of the file data or list data divided into TCP/IP packets to the FTP client, until a confirmation response is received for the completion of transmission of the file data or list data divided into TCP/IP packets.

The following figure shows the procedure of monitoring the timeout in data transmission:

Figure 8-21 Procedure of monitoring the timeout in data transmission


The operations when the timeout occurs are as follows:

Operations when the timeout occurs
  • A message is output.
  • The data connection where the timeout occurred is disconnected.
  • The following response codes are returned with the control connection:
    In the case of file data transfer
    "551 <File path>: Error on input file." is returned.
    In the case of list data transfer
    "551 Requested action aborted." is returned.
  • The exception "FileTransferFailedException" is reported to the FTP reception.

(2) Setting method

Set up the following items in the HITACHI Connector Property file that is obtained with the cjgetrarprop command:

For details on the setting method, see "3.2.3 Setting up the FTP inbound adapter" in "Service Platform System Setup and Operation Guide".