uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


6.1.3 Failure analysis functionality

The Cosminexus Service Platform provides the message tracking functionality that assists in failure analysis by using the performance analysis trace file. Message tracking is a failure analysis tool that identifies the location of failure occurrence, and assists in differentiating and investigating the failure. When you start the message tracking, a special interactive prompt will appear. You execute a command in the displayed interactive prompt, and analyze the performance analysis trace file.

You can use the message tracking functionality anywhere on a machine on which uCosminexus Service Architect, uCosminexus Service Platform, or uCosminexus Operator for Service Platform is installed, if the performance analysis trace file is available when a failure occurs. Therefore, you can analyze the failure not only on the machine on which the erroneous HCSC server is running, but also in any remote environment other than the erroneous HCSC server.