uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.9.2 Specification method for transfer commands

This subsection describes how to specify the transfer commands from the FTP client.

In the transfer commands, you specify the name of the file to be sent and received, and the reception ID of FTP reception for identifying the business process to be started.

The specification format and the contents specified for the transfer commands are as follows:

Specification format
/<Reception ID>/<Path on the server>/<File name>

Specified contents
/ (Forward slash)
This is the path separation character. This character is fixed regardless of the OS.
<Reception ID>
This is the reception ID of FTP reception. This ID identifies the business process to be started by the specified reception ID.
<Path on the server>
This is the path on the destination FTP server. You can omit this specification.
<File name>
This is the name of the file to be sent and received.