uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.9.3 Points to be considered on using FTP integration

This subsection describes the points to be considered for using the FTP integration functionality.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Range in which the FTP integration functionality can be used in combination with other functionality
(2) Points to be considered related to the creation of business processes
(3) Points to be considered on using FTP with server operations
(4) Points to be considered on the execution of FTP commands

(1) Range in which the FTP integration functionality can be used in combination with other functionality

The following table describes the range in which the functionality used for FTP integration can be used in combination with the other existing functionality:

Table 8-28 Range in which the FTP integration functionality can be used in combination with existing functionality

Adapters Standard reception (synchronous or asynchronous) SOAP reception TP1/RPC reception FTP reception
SOAP adapter Y Y Y A
SessionBean adapter Y Y Y A
MDB (WS-R) adapter Y Y Y A
MDB (DB queue) adapter Y Y Y A
DB adapter Y Y Y A
TP1 adapter Y Y Y A
File adapter Y Y Y A
Object Access adapter Y Y Y A
Message Queue adapter Y Y Y A
FTP adapter A A A Y
File operations adapter A A A Y
Mail adapter Y Y Y Y
Data transformation Y Y Y Y
Invoke java activity Y Y Y Y

Y: The functionality can be combined and used.
A: The operations are not supported when the functionality are combined.

(2) Points to be considered related to the creation of business processes

(3) Points to be considered on using FTP with server operations

To use the FTP for operating and maintaining a server on Service Platform, you must set up a separate FTP server. In this case, specify the design in such a way that the port number or IP address of both the FTP servers is unique.

(4) Points to be considered on the execution of FTP commands

If you use the ftp commands for Linux and perform file transfer requests for the FTP client, the following two types of messages are output in the message log of the FTP inbound adapter:

Furthermore, the response "502 Command SYST not implemented." is returned to the FTP client, but this does not affect the file transfer requests.