uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.9.1 Commands supported in FTP integration

The following table lists the commands supported in FTP integration.

Table 8-27 Supported FTP commands

Classification Command Option Component RFC
FTP inbound adapter FTP reception Business process FTP adapter
Authentication ACCT -- N -- -- Y 959
USER -- Y Y Y Y 959
PASS -- Y N N Y 959
Control ABOR -- N -- -- N 959
NOOP -- Y -- -- Y 959
PASV -- Y -- -- Y 959
PORT -- Y -- -- Y 959
QUIT -- Y -- -- Y 959
REIN -- N -- -- N 959
REST -- N -- -- N 959
EPRT -- N -- -- N 2428
EPSV -- N -- -- N 2428
Session CDUP -- S S S Y 959
CWD -- S S S Y 959
MODE -- Y -- -- Y 959
S Y -- -- Y --
B N -- -- N --
C N -- -- N --
LPRT -- N -- -- N 1639
LPSV -- N -- -- N 1639
ADAT -- N -- -- N 2228
AUTH -- Y -- -- Y 2228
CCC -- N -- -- N 2228
CONF -- N -- -- N 2228
ENC -- N -- -- N 2228
MIC -- N -- -- N 2228
PBSZ -- Y -- -- Y 2228
PROT -- Y -- -- Y --
OPTS -- Y -- Y Y 2389
File TYPE -- Y Y Y Y 959
LANG -- N -- -- N 2640
Transfer APPE -- Y Y Y Y 959
RETR -- Y Y Y Y 959
STOU -- N -- -- N 959
STRU -- Y Y Y Y 959
F Y Y Y Y --
R# Y Y Y Y --
P N -- -- N --
Update ALLO -- S S S Y 959
DELE -- S S S Y 959
MKD -- S S S Y 959
RMD -- S S S Y 959
RNFR -- S S S Y 959
RNTO -- S S S Y 959
SMNT -- S S S Y 959
STAT -- S S S Y 959
Reference HELP -- N -- -- N 959
LIST -- Y Y Y Y 959
NLST -- Y Y Y Y 959
PWD -- S S S Y 959
SITE -- Y Y Y Y 959
STOR -- Y Y Y Y 959
SYST -- S S S S 959
FEAT -- N -- -- N 2389
MDTM -- S -- S Y 3659
MLSD -- N -- -- N 3659
MLST -- N -- -- N 3659
SIZE -- S -- S Y 3659

Y: Supported
S: Supported by the SITE CSCTHR command.
N: Not supported
--: Not applicable

If the STRU R command is sent from the FTP client, file conversion processing is not performed. In addition, data is not relayed to the FTP server. The operation is the same as for the STRU F command.

The following describes the classification of the FTP commands in the table.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Authentication
(2) Control
(3) Session
(4) File
(5) Transfer
(6) Update
(7) Reference

(1) Authentication

Commands required for connecting sessions. These commands are used for access management in an HCSC server.

User names passed by the USER command must be inherited to a business process as attributes of files that are sent and received.

(2) Control

Commands relating to control such as connecting and releasing sessions. There is no need to inherit information to the FTP adapter via a business process.

(3) Session

These commands are used to set information that is effective within a session. There is no need to inherit information to the FTP adapter via a business process.

(4) File

These commands are used to set information for files that are sent and received. Information must be inherited to the FTP adapter via a business process.

(5) Transfer

These commands are used to transfer files.

When a transfer command is executed, a business process is started and information is inherited to the FTP adapter from the FTP inbound adapter via a business process.

(6) Update

These commands update files and directories on the FTP server.

These commands can be executed for batch processing before or after file transfer. An update command is specified in the SITE CSCTHR command from the FTP client.

(7) Reference

These commands are used for referencing information about files and directories on the FTP server, and then passing the information to the FTP client.

Like transfer commands, LIST commands inherits information to the FTP adapter from the FTP inbound adapter via a business process. Commands other than LIST commands are specified in the SITE CSCTHR command from the FTP client, and then the command results can be viewed on the business process.