uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


3.5.4 Re-executing business processes from service requesters (Session Bean)

You can also request re-execution of a business process from a service requester that sends requests to standard synchronous reception (Session Bean). To re-execute a business process from a service requester, create a service requester that sends requests to synchronous (Session Bean) standard reception.

If invocation of a service component results in an error and the business process instance ID is returned as an exception (error information), re-execute the process by specifying the business process instance ID. The following figure shows re-execution of a request sent from a service requester in a Session Bean.

Figure 3-51 Re-execution of a request sent from a service requester in a Session Bean


For details about creating a service requester, see 8.4.8 Creating a service requester for requesting the re-execution of business processes (Session Bean) in the Service Platform Basic Development Guide.