uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


3.6 Standby processing using business processes

When executing a business process by defining a wait activity, you can delay the processing of the business process until a specific time period is reached. The following figure shows the standby processing of a business process by defining the wait activity.

Figure 3-52 Standby processing of a business process by defining the wait activity


By defining a wait activity within a while activity, you can implement processing executed at fixed intervals, such as daily processing. The following figure shows the standby processing of a business process when you define a wait activity in a while activity.

Figure 3-53 Standby processing of a business process when you define a wait activity in a while activity


The following describes the definition of a wait activity.

Organization of this section
(1) Specifying the standby time in the wait activity
(2) Conditions for executing a wait activity
(3) Multiplicity associated with the wait activity

(1) Specifying the standby time in the wait activity

In the wait activity, specify either of the following as the standby time:

In both cases, use the XPath expression to specify the standby time. Using the XPath expression allows you to dynamically specify the standby time because the operation is performed according to the time specified in the variables that flow within the business process. Instead of using the XPath expression, you can directly specify the standby interval or the standby expiration time. Use the XML Schema type duration to specify the standby interval. Use the XML Schema type dateTime to specify the standby expiration time. For details, see 5.6.10 Standby activities in the Service Platform Basic Development Guide.

(2) Conditions for executing a wait activity

Certain conditions must be met to execute standby activities. (For example, you cannot use the wait activity in a non-persistent business process, and you must set up the wait activity after the reply activity.) For details about the conditions for executing the wait activity, see 5.6.10 Standby activities in the Service Platform Basic Development Guide.

(3) Multiplicity associated with the wait activity

When considering performance during use of the wait activity, you must revise the multiplicity associated with the wait activity.

If standby processing is canceled within the time period specified in the wait activity for multiple process instances, check the maximum number of threads for calling back the timeout method (using TimerService of the J2EE server). If the maximum number of threads is smaller than the number of process instances, a bottleneck in performance might result. In such cases, specify the maximum number of threads for callback of the timeout method in the environment settings of the J2EE server.

In Logical Server Environment Setup of the management portal, specify the maximum number of threads for calling back the timeout method by using TimerService. Open the Preferences window of the EJB Container, and then change the value of Maximum number of threads for callback of the timeout method# in accordance with the number of instances of the business process. For details about the setup method, see 10.9.3 EJB container settings in the Cosminexus Application Server Management Portal Operation Guide.

Corresponds to the ejbserver.ejb.timerservice.maxCallbackThreads key of the user property file for a J2EE server (usrconf.properties).