uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


2.14.13 Corresponding relation between request message (header) and HTTP-adapter runtime-environment (common) property file

This subsection describes the corresponding relation of parameters you can set in the request message (header) of HTTP adapter, HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file, and HTTP adapter common runtime-environment property file. Element name of the request message (header) here is represented by XPath.

If there are specifications in multiple locations, specification of high priority location is used.

Table 2-49 Request ID

Item High <-- Priority --> Low Default value Possibility of specification
Request message (header) HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file
Request ID /http-header-request/request-id Cannot be specified. Cannot be specified. - Optional

-: No default value.

Specify a working folder in the input source folder type attribute of a sent file or the output destination folder type attribute of a received file in a request message (header). If the working folder is not used, you can omit this specification.

Table 2-50 Request method

Item High <-- Priority --> Low Default value Possibility of specification
Request message (header) HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file
Request method /http-header-request/method adphttp.request.method adphttp.request.method - Mandatory

-: No default value.

Always specify request method in a request message (header) or another property file.

Table 2-51 Request URI

Item High <-- Priority --> Low Default value Possibility of specification
Request message (header) HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file
Scheme authority /http-header-request/uri-scheme-authority adphttp.request.uri-scheme-authority adphttp.request.uri-scheme-authority - Mandatory
Path /http-header-request/uri-path adphttp.request.uri-path adphttp.request.uri-path - Optional
Query /http-header-request/uri-query/optional element adphttp.request.uri-query.<Additional number> adphttp.request.uri-query.<Additional number> -

-: No default value.

Always specify scheme authority in a request message (header) or a property file.
Specify path in a request message (header) or a property file, if required. If root path ("/") is used, you can omit this specification.
Specify query in a request message (header) or a property file, if required. If query is specified in multiple locations, all queries specified in low priority locations are overwritten by queries specified in high priority locations. You cannot combine queries specified in multiple locations.

Table 2-52 Authentication information

Item High <-- Priority --> Low Default value Possibility of specification
Request message (header) HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file
Authentication value /http-header-request/http-header-Authorization adphttp.request.header.authorization adphttp.request.header.authorization Null character string Optional
Authentication type attribute /http-header-request/http-header-Authorization/@type adphttp.request.header.authorization.type adphttp.request.header.authorization.type none

Specify these parameters in the request message (header) or a property file, if required. If authentication information is not used, you can omit this specification (Use default value).
You must always specify these parameters in sets. You cannot specify only authentication value or authentication type attribute in 1 location.

Table 2-53 Content-Type

Item High <-- Priority --> Low Default value Possibility of specification
Request message (header) HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file
Media type /http-header-request/http-header-Content-Type adphttp.request.header.content-type adphttp.request.header.content-type - Optional
Character code attribute /http-header-request/http-header-Content-Type/@charset adphttp.request.header.content-type.charset adphttp.request.header.content-type.charset -

-: No default value.

Specify these parameters in the request message (header) or a property file, if required. If Content-Type header is not set, you can omit this specification.
If character code attribute is not to be set, you can omit this specification. In such cases, only media type is used.
If only the character code attribute is specified, specification is not enabled.

Table 2-54 Cookie

Item High <-- Priority --> Low Default value Possibility of specification
Request message (header) HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file
Cookie information /http-header-request/http-header-Cookies/Cookie Cannot be specified. Cannot be specified. - Optional
Cookie name attribute /http-header-request/http-header-Cookies/Cookie/@name Cannot be specified. Cannot be specified. -
Destination host name attribute /http-header-request/http-header-Cookies/Cookie/@host Cannot be specified. Cannot be specified. -
Destination path attribute /http-header-request/http-header-Cookies/Cookie/@path Cannot be specified. Cannot be specified. -

-: No default value.

Specify these parameters in the request message (header) or a property file, if required. If Cookie header is not set, you can omit this specification.
You must always specify Cookie information, Cookie name attribute, and destination host name attribute in sets.
If destination path attribute need not be set, you can omit this specification. In such cases, Cookie is sent to all paths, since destination path is not determined.
You cannot specify only Cookie information, Cookie name attribute, destination host name attribute or destination path attribute in 1 location.

Table 2-55 Request header

Item High <-- Priority --> Low Default value Possibility of specification
Request message (header) HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file
Request header /http-header-request/http-header/optional element adphttp.request.header.userdef.<Additional number> adphttp.request.header.userdef.<Additional number> - Optional

-: No default value.

Specify request header in the request message (header) or a property file, if required.
If request header is specified in multiple locations, all request headers specified in low priority locations are overwritten by request headers specified in high priority locations. You cannot combine request headers specified in multiple locations.

Table 2-56 Request body (data transmission type of request message (body))

Item High <-- Priority --> Low Default value Possibility of specification
Request message (header) HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file
Request body (data transmission type of request message (body)) /http-header-request/http-part/message/binding adphttp.request.part.message.binding adphttp.request.part.message.binding none Optional

Specify request body in the request message (header) or a property file, if required. If request body is not sent, you can omit this specification (Use default value).
If you specify sent file parameters, parameter specification is ignored.

Table 2-57 Sent file

Item High <-- Priority --> Low Default value Possibility of specification
Request message (header) HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file
Input source folder name /http-header-request/http-part/files/file/input-folder-name adphttp.request.part.file.1.input-folder-name adphttp.request.part.file.1.input-folder-name - Optional
Input source folder type attribute /http-header-request/http-part/files/file/input-folder-name/@common Cannot be specified. Cannot be specified. -
Input source file name /http-header-request/http-part/files/file/local-file-name adphttp.request.part.file.1.local-file-name adphttp.request.part.file.1.local-file-name -

-: No default value.

If a file is sent as a request body instead of the request message (body), specify these parameters in the request message (header) or a property file.
If the request body is not sent or if a request message (body) is sent as the request body, you can omit this specification.
You must always specify these parameters in sets. You cannot specify only input source folder name, input source folder type attribute or input source file name in 1 location.

Table 2-58 Output destination of the received file

Item High <-- Priority --> Low Default value Possibility of specification
Request message (header) HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file
Output destination folder name /http-header-request/output-folder-name adphttp.request.output-folder-name adphttp.request.output-folder-name - Optional
Output destination folder type attribute /http-header-request/output-folder-name/@common Cannot be specified. Cannot be specified. -

-: No default value.

If a file is to be received, specify these parameters in the request message (header) or a property file. If a file is not to be received, you can omit this specification.
You must always specify these parameters in sets. You cannot specify only output destination folder name or output destination folder type attribute in 1 location.